Search results for query: *

  1. M


    Hi try put all in uppercase or lowercae. Take a look to the spaces at then end of the field (try TRIM). If the field exists in the database, is something like that...
  2. M


    Hi try put all in uppercase or lowercae. Take a look to the spaces at then end of the field (try TRIM). If the field exists in the database, is something like this...
  3. M

    Reading microsoft access database records

    try something like this Try Dim _SQL As String _SQL = "SELECT Codigo, Actor FROM T10_Actores ORDER BY ACTOR" ... connect DB and retreive rows to a DATASET width the name _SQLDataSet and a table "_Lista" _ListBox.DataSource =...
  4. M

    hour glass & adding an icon

    To the first in the menu Project .... < > property -> Common Properties .... Build <- to the second Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor ..... Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default
  5. M

    third party or windows component

    Hi try or the second site is very good, because...
  6. M

    About application

    Or, you can to this: put the text file in the project, and then in the properties, change it to embebed resources. With this, you don't need, destribute the text file ------ Dim _FileName As String = "Evolution.rtf" ' my file Dim _RAssembly As System.Reflection.Assembly =...
  7. M

    Uploading an Image to Access

    Hi, i use thisd ----------------- Dim _Imagem As New clsImage Dim bytBLOBData() As Byte = SQLExecution.SQLDataReader.Item("GCapa") picGCapa.Image = _Imagem.myTratarImagem(bytBLOBData, txtGTitulo.Text)picGCapa.Show() _Imagem.dispose() .... ------------- clsImage --- Public Function...
  8. M

    Picture in OLE Field

    Hi, depending on the method used to put the image, the value have diferent identifications: If put data width MSAccess with oledb, the data have a header "Bitmap ImagePaint.Picture" and the image start in the position "78", but if you "paste" the data, you have in the header "Picture" and where...
  9. M

    Uploading an Image to Access

    The field picGCapa have the picture, i put the picture width "paste" Dim newBitmap As Bitmap = New Bitmap(picGCapa.Image) Dim _Imagem As Bitmap = New Bitmap(picGCapa.Image) _Imagem.Save("C:\TestImage.bmp") _Imagem.Dispose() picGCapa.Tag = "C:\TestImage.bmp" Dim fs As FileStream Dim bw As...