Search results for query: *

  1. D

    Bootstrap carousel with a Repeater

    I need to create a slider that displays images that are retrieved from a dataset. My problem is that I use this code here: <%#If(Container.ItemIndex = 0, "active", "") %> it displays me only the first element while I would like it to display the others as well as they scroll automatically. I...
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    Question What's TreeHelper to Generate a Tree in a webForm?

    Thanks to reply!! I hadn't gotten to the bottom of the article yet. My Fault :cry:
  3. D

    Question What's TreeHelper to Generate a Tree in a webForm?

    Hi, I follow this walkthrough to build a Tree from a List in NET (link) and I don't understand this line: IList<Category> topLevelCategories = TreeHelper.ConvertToForest(GetListFromDatabase()); I search on Web if there is a correspondence in VB.NET but I didn't find. If not, how can I...
  4. D

    Question Write webrequest async way

    Could you give me an example to better understand? I tried to run it in fact the page keeps turning without showing me the json I tried this: Dim ListProducts As New ListProducts Dim JsonListProducts As String = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ListProducts, Formatting.Indented)...
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    Question Write webrequest async way

    Thanks! And If I need to test the result, or that I return the json on the page what can I do? I'd like to view it inside a div
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    Question Write webrequest async way

    Hi, I found this function to create a request POST that visualize json data in an ASP:NET project, I would like to find a way to make async, but i don't know how to do. Private Function SendRequestPOST(uri As Uri, jsonDataBytes As Byte(), contentType As String, method As String, token As...
  7. D

    method insert -problem parsing value with parameters

    I debugged the code, the values inside the text box are not compatible with the debug values. They are empty fields. The compiler gives me an exception cast error in the client_code parameter and stops execution.
  8. D

    method insert -problem parsing value with parameters

    Hi, I'm trying to convert a string to an integer and string to a date. In the EXP_DATE see 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM as default value,while in the ID_CUSTOMER see 0 and I need to visualize Textbox values. The problem is that they are inside the textboxes, while I am debugging it seems as if it does...
  9. D

    Stored procedure to insert field value that have other fields from other table

    Hi, I have this new empty table that have eight field called Table-X and an existing table called Table_Y with different fields . In the store procedure I am only interested three fields that I have to insert into the table ,but two fields are the fields of table_Y My question is how do I...
  10. D

    Question Problem with insert method with Texbox

    It was project with a repeater that show data in a db and then I have a div with two textbox and a label and a button. My goal is add exp_date through textbox, save with button, display in the repeater and save on db. My question is how can I fix this code that I show before. I'm sorry...
  11. D

    Question Problem with insert method with Texbox

    I debugged the code: clicking on a button located inside a repeater, the customer code and company name label are automatically entered in the text box, but the user only has to enter the date. When I click the save button, I checked the first parameter and it gives me the result 0 instead of...
  12. D

    Question Problem with insert method with Texbox

    Hi, I asked help for this code that I have created: Public Sub INSERISCI_EXP_DATE_TABLE() Dim id_customer As Integer Dim exp_date As Date Try cmd.Connection = cn cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure MyParm =...
  13. D

    Create click event that use two different store procedures (insert/update)

    I created a method inside the aspx file that automatically inserts the fieldsin a form with two ASP.NET Textbox and one ASP.NET label. the user should only add the deadline and when he clicks on the Save button, he should check if the deadline does not exist add it otherwise leave the field...
  14. D

    Resolved create a class that read data from db with Repeater Control?

    Nevermind I understand how to pass parameter and now works!! I had to add to the reading method between the brackets (by val) and call after in the method I added in the page load. Thanks
  15. D

    Resolved create a class that read data from db with Repeater Control?

    Hi everyone, I created this class to read data from db: Public Class Class_LECTURE_TABLE_01 Dim connection_DB As New Class_CN_DB_XXXXXX("XXXXXXXXXX") Dim cn As New SqlConnection(connection_DB.Connessione) Dim MyParm As SqlParameter Dim cmd As New SqlCommand Dim dataAdapter...