Search results for query: *

  1. G

    Help me to detect changes in the dataset

    End the editing of row You need to end the rowediting before an update. Try inserting the below statement prior to sending the datatable for update/delete. Me.BindingContext(MyDataSet).EndCurrentEdit()
  2. G

    SQL againts Dataset

    Am not very clear on what u r exactly looking for. If u need something like applying a filter on the rows of dataset1 and then adding them rows to dataset2, u can do it. Select method of datatable can be used for this. The Select method takes a filter expression as parameter. The SQL...
  3. G

    just want to create a row in my data set

    One more Tip One more tip: if you want to remove a row from the datatable/dataset, but not from the database, u can use Remove method of the datatable. In contrast to the Delete method, Remove does not delete rows from the database.
  4. G

    just want to create a row in my data set

    use AcceptChanges Hi You can call the AcceptChanges method of the newly added datarow immediately. This sets the datarow's RowState to "Unchanged". Dataadapter decides and performs any action on the dataset rows based on their RowState. If the rowstate is "Unchanged", dataadapter does not...
  5. G

    Problems with Identity Columns and SQLCommandBuilder

    I have a problem when dealing with identity columns and I request you to provide me a solution. I have described the problem below. Problem Description: I am currently developing an application which includes reading data from an excel file and updating around 10 tables in a SQL Sever 2000...