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  1. S

    Help with throwing Custom Exceptions

    Hi All, I'm having problems trying to "bubble" up a custom exception I made... And I'm pretty new to custome exceptions, I was just told to use it this way and figure out the implementation. I have a custom exception class called "SystemIsBusyException" Public Class SystemIsBusyException...
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    Need help with PrintDocument

    Hi everyone... I am stuck and need some guidance on using print document. We are building a windows app in and VS 2008. My requirments initially were to print the in focus form and scale based on printer settings. Then a change came back and now they want the entire app window, so if...
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    Question DataTypes from DataGridView source data...

    Hi, I have another question I'm hoping the wise developers of this forum can help me with. I have a datatable of data (oRPIRates.GetRates) that is stronglt typed. I have a datagridview whose data source I set to be the strongly typed table. drgRates.DataSource = oRPIRates.GetRates However...
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    Want to put DataGridView DataSource into a DataTable from Base Form

    Hi, I am having problems figuring this one out and am hoping someone here might know ;) I have a base form and I am trying to get the DataSource of the ActiveControl if the control is a datagridview. What I have so far is: Dim curControl As Control = Me.ActiveControl Dim ControlType As...
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    Question Capture ProcessCmdKey on MsgBox (or can I print the MessageBox with PrintForm)?

    Hi, My two questions are tied to one another... First off I started witht he requirement to capture the F6 key command on a form and print the screen. I used the ProcessCmdKey override on my form. Then called PrintForm. Easy breezy. Then today they were like "Oh we will need to have to print...
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    Question How to export datatable to Excel for Windows App and using XML?

    I have a question that google hasn't helped me figure out yet. I have an old windows app, framework is 2.0. I am needing to take a datatable (and subsequently a data set of tables) and export this data to a spreadsheet. One catch, can't use the interop library. Is there a way to do it...
  7. S

    Tabstrip Image Flicker Problem

    Surprisingly I haven't found very much ont his at all. We have a tabstrip whose tabs are images. Here is the client side code <ie:tabstrip id="TabPolicy" onclick="Tabstrip1_SelectedIndexChange" runat="server" AutoPostBack="True" NAME="Tabstrip1"> <ie:Tab Text="Name"...