Search results for query: *

  1. D

    Navigating DataSet when using BindingSource?

    You are right. That index_of_row means index of row in BindingSource list, NOT index of DataRow from DataTable.
  2. D

    Navigating DataSet when using BindingSource?

    YourBindingSource.MoveFirst YourBindingSource.MoveLast YourBindingSource.MoveNext YourBindingSource.MovePrevious and YourBindingSource.Position=index_of_row
  3. D

    How to clear DataGridView?

    I have some texboxes od form, bound to DataTable1 and DataGridView is bound to DataTable2. There is relation between DataTable1(Master) and DataTable2(Details). How to clear all rows from DataGridView? I've tried this: For Each row As DataGridViewRow In DataGridView1.Rows If...
  4. D

    [VS2005] IDE customisation

    Is there a way to customise IDE environment so when I'm working on form in design mode to have Properties pane visible, and when change to sorce view mode to automatically hide Properties pane and have more space for code view&edit.
  5. D

    Hide dropdown button in ComboBox and DateTimePicker

    I want to replace some texboxes on form with comboboxes because combobox have some properties that I need. For example: FormatString, databinding(DataSource, ValueMember, DisplayMember), ...
  6. D

    Hide dropdown button in ComboBox and DateTimePicker

    Howto hide dropdown button in ComboBox and DateTimePicker In DataGridView (VS2005) if we choose DataGridViewComboBoxColumn there is property DisplayStyle and we can choose Nothing to hide DropDownButton. Is there any way to hide dropdown button in ComboBox or DateTimePicker controls.
  7. D

    DatagridViewComboBox: How to indicate dropdown?

    That works. Sorry to bother you again, I have an idea, something like multicolumncombobox in DataGridView, but I don't know how to realize it. I have DataGridView bound to datatable and some columns. Two columns are DataGridViewComboBoxColumn type and have the same ValueMember (ProductID) and...
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    DatagridViewComboBox: How to indicate dropdown?

    Thank you for detailed answer, it's much clearer for me now. I want to do some action when combo box list is droppped down. Combobox has event DropDown (Occurs when the drop-down portion of a ComboBox is shown). I nedd to handle that event, but I don't how to do it with...
  9. D

    DatagridViewComboBox: How to indicate dropdown?

    Regular ComboBox control has a property DroppedDown (Gets or sets a value indicating whether the combo box is displaying its drop-down portion). DatagridViewComboBox sims to doesn't have that property. How to indicate whether the DatagridViewComboBox is displaying its drop-down portion?
  10. D

    Formatting number with leading zeroes

    Thanks Bob, that's what I needed.
  11. D

    Formatting number with leading zeroes

    I have a textbox bound to datatable column(integer type). What user want is when number is for example 5, to show 0005, or 35 to show 0035 (4 places). How to format textbox to get that. I was trying this: BrojOtprTextBox.Text.ToString("0000") but it doesn't work.
  12. D

    datagridview Help Required please!

    I think that you need Update method, DataAdapter.Update(dataSet, "dataTable") something like this: myAdapterlead.Update(NameOfYourDataSet, "myDatalead") myadapterref.Update(NameOfYourDataSet, "myDataref")
  13. D

    How to programmaticaly show Context Menu?

    Thank you for quick answer, I appreciate it. It works fine. :)
  14. D

    How to programmaticaly show Context Menu?

    I have tryed that method, but I don't understand how it works. It has 6 overloads. First overload is for example ContextMenuStrip1.Show(control, position). If I want to show ContextMenuStrip1 when form loads (Form.Load event) what control to put in...
  15. D

    Vertical MenuStrip

    I want to have vertical Menu docked on left side of the form (VB2005), and that is not problem. The problem is moving thrue menu. Now it's move with left/right arrow keys and with up/down opens submenu. I want to move with up/down arrow keys and with enter key open submenu. How can I accomplish...
  16. D

    How to programmaticaly show Context Menu?

    How to programmaticaly show Context Menu (without mouse rightclicking).