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  1. S

    Need help adding to a file name to display

    oops....should have put that in code format text - sorry about that. For example: Cam1-200602224165651-01.jpg XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX-1XXXXXX Need to subtract 1 on the file 5651-01.jpg to 5650-01.jpg
  2. S

    Need help adding to a file name to display

    Okay all of this is working but now I need to get button called "previous" to work. I need to minus one second to the file (actually subtracting a 1 from the file name) and then display the pictures with that change. I really have no idea how to do this. file is broken up like this...
  3. S

    Learning - displaying selection in pictureboxes

    I appreciate the help....thank you very much.
  4. S

    Learning - displaying selection in pictureboxes

    Thanks for helping. That is a good idea, thanks for your input. This is what I have now and it works Try Dim dt As DateTime = DateTime.ParseExact(cmbDate.Items(cmbDate.SelectedIndex), "MMMM d, yyyy", Nothing) 'loads with the default folder files Cam 1 Dim path As String = "C:\Projects\Dar\Queue...
  5. S

    Trying to use a default image - please help!

    Hi there..... I got it working thank you for helping. If File.Exists(String.Format(folder, 1)) Then needed to be If File.Exists(String.Format(folder, i)) Then
  6. S

    Trying to use a default image - please help!

    I am populating some pictureboxes from a combo box selection, that works until there is a jpg in the folder that doesn't exist. For some reason I can't get the default jpg to come up, can someone help me please? Thanks in advance for the assistance..... Private Sub...
  7. S

    Learning - displaying selection in pictureboxes

    combo box and picture box problem The problem is I don't have a folder called, Cam 3 or Cam 5 and it ends at Cam 8. Thanks for helping I REALLY appreciate it!!! <code> Dim pictures As PictureBox() = {Me.pcbCam1, Me.pcbCam2, Me.pcbCam4, Me.pcbCam6, Me.pcbCam7, Me.pcbCam8} Dim dt As DateTime...
  8. S

    Learning - displaying selection in pictureboxes

    Problem trying to figure this out, using a combo box selection I need to go to each folder, Cam 1, Cam 2, Cam 4, Cam 6, Cam 7,and Cam 8 and display each picture (from selection) from each folder and display in pictureboxes pcbCam1, pcbCam2, pcbCam4, pcbCam6, pcbCam7, and pcbCam8. So far the...