Search results for query: *

  1. H

    DB hardcoded?

    I read and followed various faqs regarding deployment and everything works fine accept that the newly installed app will only access the database at the original pre-deployment location, not the new install folder. Don't the database connectionstrings get converted or modified after deployment...
  2. H

    Parse string

    thanx, but I already resolved it.
  3. H

    Parse string

    Dim strRetPage As [String] = Nothing strRetPage = strRetPage + Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffbyte, 0, rBytes) While rBytes > 0 rBytes = IPsocket.Receive(buffbyte, buffbyte.Length, 0) strRetPage = strRetPage + Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffbyte, 0, rBytes) End While...
  4. H

    Listening Loop

    mylistener = New TcpListener(MyIp.Any, Port) mylistener.Start() While True If Not mylistener.Pending Then Console.WriteLine("Awaiting Requests") Else listenerThread = New Threading.Thread(AddressOf listen) Console.WriteLine("Accepting Request") listenerThread.Start() End If End While I'm...
  5. H


    I refer to the code by Pramod Singh at I've converted most of it into a class. How can I implement it so that I can create a new instance of it in a form? I tried overloading New Sub but got some kind of warning instead.
  6. H

    Passing arrays

    Thanks, that did the trick. I never thought you could specify an array using String() as I always Dim xxx() As String.
  7. H

    Passing arrays

    How can i pass arrays to a class? I tried passing it to my global class but seem to have a problem assigning it to a property.
  8. H

    Client IP

    pwned, thx
  9. H

    DB access outside form

    bump Please, this is urgent. I've tried writing one by myself, didn't work, suspect some necessary items/components may be missing. Looked around, found a lot of examples, in other languages. Found even more examples, all tell me how easy it is to drag and drop from toolbox...
  10. H

    Client IP

    Thanks, maybe it has something to do with my declaration? I declared Public tcpclient as tcpclient at the class level, then Dim mytcpclient As TcpClient = mylistener.AcceptTcpClient Dim ip As Net.IPEndPoint = DirectCast(mytcpclient.client.RemoteEndPoint, Net.IPEndPoint) Dim strip As...
  11. H

    Client IP

    Oops, my bad. But it still returns the same message, indicating mytcpclient is Protected. When I look at all the methods available to mytcpclient after mytcpclient., I can't seem to find Client anywhere. So DirectCast isn't broadcast.
  12. H

    Client IP

    Dim mytcpclient As TcpClient = mylistener.AcceptTcpClient Dim ip As Net.IPEndPoint = DirectCast(tcpclient.Client.RemoteEndPoint, Net.IPEndPoint) Dim strip As String = ip.Address.ToString & " " & ip.Port.ToString This is what I tried, but tcpclient.Client is unacceptable because it is...
  13. H

    DB access outside form

    bump. How can I create database connection to an Access database via code? No server explorer, no click and drop, no toolbox, justmplain code.
  14. H

    Client IP

    Erm...cast? You mean like broadcast? Sorry I'm new to programming.
  15. H

    Client IP

    Suppose I've accepted a request using tcpclient=tcplistener.accepttcpclient How do I get the IP address of the client/source of the request? What format should I store it in?
  16. H


    I read somewhere that you can't access listbox items unless you set some accessible property or list property or use somehting like sbWeb item I think. I couldn't find out what the article meant. Any ideas? As of this moment, all attempts to access the list, aside from being able to...
  17. H

    DB access outside form

    I've been creating and managing database connections in forms using drag and drop items to this point. What I want to know is what do I need to achieve this outside a form, say a class. For instance in my class, I import the dataset from the main form. Then I assign these imported datasets...
  18. H


    Dim temp As String Dim inttemp As Integer list1.SetSelected(Convert.ToInt32(list1.FindStringExact(surl)), True) inttemp = Convert.ToInt32(list1.SelectedIndex()) list2.SetSelected(inttemp, True) temp = list2.GetItemText(list2.SelectedItem).ToString I've replaced the code with this block...
  19. H

    Listbox items to string array

    I want to use every item in the listbox to parse a document. I tried using the built in listbox methods but they don't seem to return any results if they execute around. So I'm trying to find a long workaround
  20. H


    Sorry, but doesn't work. For one thing, 'item' is not a member of listbox, and surl.selectedindex will never work because surl is the string I use to search listbox1. My theory works like this, list2 gets item text based on the index number of where the item was found via findstringexact on...