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  1. K

    trying to write a decryption program

    Hey I just had a thought, would replacing all the double whitespaces programmatically with just a single whitespace before parsing and then altering your parsing methods to accomodate that work?
  2. K

    trying to write a decryption program

    Ok I'll give that ago later on, I don't need those values just yet. Thanks.
  3. K

    trying to write a decryption program

    Will do, I gave access to all of the dictionary on purpose, just so I could see if there was anything else I would need to expose. Thanks hauptra. 1 thing though, could you open up the encrypted sample I sent. (bat.dat) and get frame 0's data. The values are working except for anything past...
  4. K

    trying to write a decryption program

    Ahhhhhhhhh that's what I was doing wrong. I kept doing this: Dim newFram As New Character.Frame() {I forget what I put in the brackets}. I also kept adding the ":" when getting intvalue. I was close. The other thing is that I added Public ReadOnly Property FileCollection() As Dictionary(Of...
  5. K

    trying to write a decryption program

    Thank you very much hauptra, if I could give you more 1000 reputation I would. PS I've only skimmed the surface of the code, I'll let you know soon how I went with it, thanks again. edit: Ok, I'm a bit lost in your code here, sorry. I'm trying to display the correct image for frame 0, I know...
  6. K

    trying to write a decryption program

    Thanks hauptra.
  7. K

    How to inform one form that one another form has just closed?

    The 'quickest' method that I can think of is to create a public shared boolean in formMain, have formSub change that boolean to true (as in yes the form is open) then have it set it too false when it closes. This is much less efficient and less flexible then what jmcilhinney put forward though.
  8. K

    trying to write a decryption program

    Ok, all the data in between the <bmp_begin> and <bmp_end> needs to parsed first, then each frame individually, 1 after the other. A <frame> parsing function would be good, where I just pass it the frame number I wish too parse and it returns all the data the frame had.
  9. K

    trying to write a decryption program

    Hey hauptra... I got another question if you wouldn't mind helping. When I tried to write the code I'm going to use too parse the data files I came to a halt when thinking about how I would do it. So far I was able to get the name, small image path and head image path and use them. But when it...
  10. K

    trying to write a decryption program

    Works perfectly, thanks hauptra!!!!!!!
  11. K

    trying to write a decryption program

    It works perfectly, thanks. 1 more question, I duplicated that function and changed; "i" start at 0 instead of 123 "keyCode = Asc(chrText) + Asc(Key.Chars(modValue))" (add not subtract and instead of adding carriage returns it just appends the text. Hoping that this would make it encrypt, is...
  12. K

    trying to write a decryption program

    Ok thanks hauptra, I just thought i'd let you know that I changed from trying to decrypt while the data is being read by a streamreader, instead I let the streamreader completely fill a richtextbox and then decrypt from there. This is the code I tried (that doesn't work)...
  13. K

    trying to write a decryption program

    Sorry you were right they were the same file, I used a function (extract text) in the decryption program and it didn't do what I thought it would, sorry for not checking. I'm attaching a new example and this time I'm 99.99999999% sure they're different, an encrypted 1 and a decrypted 1. I've...
  14. K

    trying to write a decryption program

    They're the same file except 1 is encrypted and 1 isn't, but yeah I had a good long think about the project I needed it for and I have since decided to scrap it so don't worry about it, thanks for your help this far though I really appreciate it. edit: I used someone else's decryptor to decrypt...
  15. K

    trying to write a decryption program

    Almost, but not exactly. The first 123 bytes of the file are completely useless, they are just there too throw off anyone that tried to decrypt it originally, before the decryption key got out. The key is; SiuHungIsAGoodBearBecauseHeIsVeryGood This is what the guy who tried to explain the...
  16. K

    trying to write a decryption program

    Hi, I'm trying to write a decryption program. Firstly I'll tell you how the encryption works; in the beginning of the file there is 123 useless bytes before the actual data. Now each encrypted character is created by adding the sum of the unencrypted character and the matching character in the...
  17. K

    Sub/Property/Function Description

    Hey there, I'm making a class library (vb2005 DLL) for somebody and I would like to be able to add descriptions to the subs/properties/functions that are in it for them to read. You know the little tool tip that pops up and explains what the method is i.e. when you type "System.Math" it will...
  18. K

    General Socket Help

  19. K

    General Socket Help

    Hi there, I'm writing a server app for a game and I've run into a few problems basically because I'm still newish to sockets. Firstly I'm restricted to pure sockets I can't use tcpclients or tcplisteners, secondly thanks for reading haha. Ok my first problem is that I don't know how to...
  20. K

    C++ DLL - Need help.

    I see your point.