Search results for query: *

  1. P

    RadioButton listing True

    Hi, im trying to get my radiobox to say Yes if checked, No if not checked in the database. I'm getting an error saying it is not accessible because it is 'Private". It has an issue with "Active", which is a field in my database. As if right now its just changing the Yes/No to True, because I...
  2. P

    Finding duplicate records

    Ah i see now dataview cannot do wildcard searches. Hm.
  3. P

    Finding duplicate records

    Hey im still new to VB.NET, but I have code that works as follows below. Performs a search depending on the field specified in the dropdown. However, I am looking for a way for it to find duplicate records from the field specified, and then list them in a listbox if any are found. The user will...
  4. P

    Trying to resort results on click

    Trying to get records to resort when this menu item is clicked, the text is showing up by its not reordering. Is there a concept im missing here? Private Sub MenuItem10_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MenuItem10.Click 'not yet working...
  5. P

    Unable to add record?

    Hah yea sorry after hours working on this and being new to VB.NET, your comments were lost in translation hah. I have been working more with the dataform wizard which does give me a nice clean layout to start with so I thank you for giving me that code and helping me clean that up.
  6. P

    Unable to add record?

    This was from the data form wizard in VB.NET. I tought it was supposed to use the exisiting dataset and fill a temporary dataset with it, then adding more data to the temporary dataset, and then it looks for changes in the origonal one and commis the changes. However the change you gave still...
  7. P

    Unable to add record?

    well the dataform wizard was helpful, however I made tiny changes to it, and it will not load the dataset for some reason. It all looks fine to me, datasetname = Dataset1 design name = objDataset1. On load click it simply doesnt load it. says record 0 of 0. Know why? Private Sub...
  8. P

    Unable to add record?

    Thanks I'll work with that and see what happens :)
  9. P

    Unable to add record?

    Not sure what it's doing, but its not adding any records, looks to be doing nothing. I know im missing the right variable there where the ????'s are, what's that supposed to be? If I need to add soemthing else please let me know. Private Sub MenuItem3_Click_1(ByVal txtLNAME As String...
  10. P

    "Cannot create a child list for field..."

    Getting this error, "Cannot create a child list for field FULLNAME" dont understand why. Can anyone see what's wrong? Let me know if I need to say more information about the sql DB. Private Sub frmprospect_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)...
  11. P

    Prev, Next record?

    i keep getting this error An unhandled exception of type 'System.Exception' occurred in Additional information: DataBinding could not find a row in the list that is suitable for all bindings When I click the back button accessing my data. Private Sub...
  12. P

    Load from dynamic combo box

    Ah i see Oh ok I understand that now. Makes sense, was totally skipping that in my mind. Maybe you or someone else can advise me on the next step here. I need to take the value FullName, and get all the info from that row in the DB and populate textboxes with it. I found something like this...
  13. P

    Load from dynamic combo box

    I see a lot of questions on this, looks to be a hard item. I'm new to, so I too am having some troubles with this. I have the following so far, but i get a system.nullreferenceexception error. All I want is for the combo box to list a column from the DB, and then if it is selected, to...
  14. P

    vb6 to

    Yea the whole program is based upon a student database, I guess I'll have to read up on ADO.NET. I read something about VB.NET having issues with large tables, didn't know if there was any validity to this.
  15. P

    vb6 to

    Hi, not sure if this is the right place to ask, but I was researching possible platforms to migrate to from VB6. I work for a company that offers school administration software that runs colleges/universities. It's been suggested we move from VB6 to VB.NET, but I'm sure there are more issues...