Search results for query: *

  1. L

    Question CRystal Report paramet passing problem

    developing a crystal report in and trying to pass parameter through window form but parameter prompting to input a value and second one using a form to generate report and some parameter is their and i have to pass it to sql parameter of crystal report to control table in database but not...
  2. L

    Build Warning

    updated database table in crystal report from set database location then crystal report not showing any data but previously all going well
  3. L

    Build Warning

    Warning 3 The currently targeted framework ".NETFramework,Version=v4.0,Profile=Client" does not include "System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" which the referenced assembly "CrystalDecisions.Shared, Version=13.0.2000.0, Culture=neutral...
  4. L

    Question how to set default application path

    i want to get folder path which consist my database
  5. L

    Question how to set default application path

    when i place |datadirectory| it will give error "Could not find file 'F:\Practical_duty\PracticalDuty\PracticalDuty\bin\Debug\PracticalDuty.accdb'."
  6. L

    Question coding output problem

    problem solved code is ok prob is reserve keyword that why query not giving any result and ex exception does not showing in msg keyword session is doing problem so we use it as [session]
  7. L

    Question how to set default application path

    |datadirectory| in windows application not working plz do one example at your system then reply the result
  8. L

    Question how to set default application path

    suppose my database located in d:\access.mdb and i want do define this path as application automatically took the path of database when my application deployed on any pc directory there is commnad in |datadirectory| that will pic database automatically where the application files are...
  9. L

    Question coding output problem

    my code for getting output but no way Try Call connection() Dim nodaldata As New DataSet duties.globalvariable.cmd = New OleDbCommand("SELECT...