Search results for query: *

  1. M

    Hmm...but it's not what i'm looking for. I want my application running without interruption. The issue is it doesn't responding after a few hours running. What causes this? Why it becomes slower with time.
  2. M

    do sthing at specified date & time

    Hi guys, I want my application to start doing something at specified date and time i've thought about this and if I'm not mistaken there are 2 ways of doing it. Firstly, if it has run for 24 hrs it then do sth or if time=6 a.m then do sth. But I don't know what is the correct coding. Can anyone...
  3. M

    Thanks guys but I have another question here. Supposed, it only takes about 50-60 seconds to complete 1 loop but it becomes slower and slower after some times.For your info,this application will continously run unless someone pressed the stop button. How do I prevent this?Any idea guys?Thanks again.
  4. M

    Hi, I used datetime function to know how much time it takes to finish the lines inside a do loop. But the problem is, it only gives me the correct value for the first 20 loops for example and then it start to give the wrong value. I convert the timespan into integer because I want to use it...
  5. M & mysql

    Hi, I have a application that read data from serial devices (48 ports) and runs nonstop. How can i store the data into different table for each day? For example, if the application has run for 24 hours then it will create another table for the next day. Thanks in advance.
  6. M

    Value keeps incrementing

    Hi all, i have a select case and and everytime the code inside is executed it will increment the count and store it inside an array. from the count variable, i do some calculation. for example, after the 3rd run if count(0)=3 then do some calculation (find seconds=40s) and store it in excel...
  7. M

    time function

    Hi Bob, The code is ok. It's just my stupid error. Anyway, thanks to you again.
  8. M

    time function

    Hi, Thanks for your reply. The last line return an error saying that "Index (zero based) must be greater than or equal to zero and less than the size of the argument list." ,perhaps because I'm using How to modify this line actually?
  9. M

    time function

    Hi, i have no idea why sometimes the function given me the wrong answer. When i put a msgbox at the first line of the function, it outputs 00:00:54 but the correct answer should be 00:05:04 and sometimes 00:00:00 becomes 00:00:10. Plz help. Thanks
  10. M

    store data in next worksheet at certain time

    Hi, I have an application to collect data and store it into an excel file. But I don't know how to change into another worksheet. I want the application to start with another worksheet at 2pm, 10 pm and 6am.anyone have any experience on this? Thanks
  11. M

    calculate time

    Thanks for your time. What i mean is if t >=60sec then add minute. For example Many thanks
  12. M

    split string,calculate time

    Hi, I wrote a code to read from more than 1 serial device and write the response in a textbox. each device will return a different set of code but sometime it doesn't.There are more than 20 codes (e.g502, 304, 703 etc) and each code has different meaning.The string that I get from 1 device is...
  13. M

    calculate time

    Hi, I 'm using a timer and it gives a format of hr:min:sec displayed in label.text. Using the time displayed, I need to do some calculation . How can i do that?
  14. M

    Setting SMTP server?

    How if i use Apache not IIS?
  15. M

    mail server

    Hi, How to know if I have access to smtp mail server?
  16. M

    SQL Server does not exist or access denied

    An unhandled exception of type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException' occurred in Additional information: System error.
  17. M

    SQL Server does not exist or access denied

    It's still have the same error. What are other possible causes ?
  18. M

    SQL Server does not exist or access denied

    Thanks for your reply. I tried using "Trusted Connection=True" but it isn't supported. here is the code : Many thanks in advance.
  19. M

    SQL Server does not exist or access denied

    Hi, I ran into the same problem.In my case I want to create a new database programmatically from my application so that i can store some data into it. here is my connection string: ConnectionString = "Integrated Security=SSPI;" + "Initial Catalog=mydb;" + "Data Source=localhost;" I...
  20. M

    read from excel file.ADO?

    Hi everyone, I have an application that runs and open an excel file to display the current data. In the same application, I want to read the data inside the excel file to write it to html file. I learned that I can use ADO, but I never used it before and since I am very new to I need...