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  1. K

    Generalized Drag/Drop Event Behavior

    I understand it's very basic stuff but maybe it still can help someone. So in the end it's like that I guess.. Public Class Class1 Private WithEvents InternalBtn As Button Public Property BtnRef() As Button Get Return InternalBtn End Get...
  2. K

    Generalized Drag/Drop Event Behavior

    Ok so, is it correct to say that in VB when I pass an object ByVal I'm passing a "copy" of its reference? Indeed I originally passed the object ByRef because I was worried about creating another copy of the same object. And that would also explain why there is no reason to pass ByRef something...
  3. K

    Generalized Drag/Drop Event Behavior

    Thanks for the tip, I have used WithEvents and it seems to work. By the way, I have used this kind of structure: Public Class Class1 Private WithEvents InternalBtn As Button Public Sub setBtnRef(ByRef Ref As Button) InternalBtn = Ref End Sub Private Sub...
  4. K

    Generalized Drag/Drop Event Behavior

    Hello! I believe this is a very basic question on and OOP But I think it will help me to trigger a deeper understanding of what's going on. I'm essentially new to OOP and and most probably my question is not so well formulated, sorry for that. So, I have implemented an easy...