Search results for query: *

  1. X

    Question Parsing HTML

    I am still unable to scrape this data <dd>SNOHOMISH </dd>
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    Question Parsing HTML

    I jumped from HP Basic 1973 to VB6 to VB9 Sometimes I am a little thick :) Cheers
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    How to get the value after read specific word from Microsoft Word?

    Would the be a newline after the date data?
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    How to get the value after read specific word from Microsoft Word?

    The above code will scan for the word "Date:" then it will look for the next field... Is the Next field/word not always "Name" ? It would help to see a real example of the data
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    Question Parsing HTML

    But, how do I get the Class name? In <span class="address1 range">22805 60TH AVE W</span> how would I extract address1 range Private Sub WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs) Handles...
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    Question Parsing HTML

    That works perfectly.
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    Save Image From Webbrowser

    This link look like what your after How WebBrowser Contextmenu "Save As Image"
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    How to get the value after read specific word from Microsoft Word?

    Not pretty but works Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim sText As String = "" sText += "Customer Details" sText += "Date: 23/6/2013" sText += "Name: Jason" sText += "Cust ID...
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    Question Parsing HTML

    This was covered in this thread, but somehow I just don't get it... I am trying to get the results from a WEB page HTML No matter how I parse it, I do not get the results I want Private Sub GetSiteInformation() For Each currentDiv_Element As HtmlElement In...
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    Question Getting a NIC Name, IP (v4) and Connection Status

    Close, but not! This work unless you have one or more NICs not connected Imports System.NetImports System.Net.NetworkInformation Public Class Form1 Public sFormat As String = "{0,-40}{1,20}" Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)...
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    Question best data structure

    If the above solution does not work, just use an untyped collection quite simple to setup and useUsing Arrays and Collections in VB.NET
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    Question best data structure

    Are you going through the data set sequentially? Or searching for a key to change the value?
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    Question Getting a NIC Name, IP (v4) and Connection Status

    We have been chasing this for a week. The Internet is full of half answers. With this code modified, can we get the Adapter Name (Not Manufacture), IPv4 and Connection status? Dim adapters As NetworkInterface() = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces() Dim adapter As...
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    Question Get an array back from a .net DLL

    We have a DLL written in VB9 (.Net 2008 Express) in com wrapper It is called from our VB6 program and works great. Recently we need to pass XML from VB6 to a function in our DLL and get an array passed back The XML parsing works fine, been modified to remove propitiatory information No luck...