Search results for query: *

  1. S

    Find word in text file and write a line

    the problem I'm having now - - I get the position of the string I'm looking for no problem However, when I do String.Insert(position, NewText), it never actually adds the text - - I tried this with 2 textboxes: Dim ENew As String = TextBox1.Text Dim pos As Long pos =...
  2. S

    Find word in text file and write a line

    How can I open a text file, find a certain word in the text file, and then, just before that word, write a line of text to the file - then save the file?
  3. S

    Visual Studio style panels/docking

    Is there any way to achieve the Visual Studio style panel docking (pin, etc) without resorting to any 3rd party tools?
  4. S

    How to pass a UserControl as an argument?

    I've got several user controls and every time I add them, I post this code: Dim uc As New ucTemplates ' 'ucTemplates' is the name of the actual user contrll gbControls.Controls.Clear() gbControls.Controls.Add(uc) So, I'd like to create a sub that does the same thing...
  5. S won't save

    I have this savefiledialog - - in it, I build the xml file, and then add a save, but it's not saving the changes. There is a file, and it correctly asks me if I want to save over it, but it still doesn't. Code: Dim sfd As New SaveFileDialog sfd.Title = "Save " &...
  6. S

    openFileDialog in Property Grid?

    How can you put a button in a property row of a property grid, so you can click on the button, and use the openFileDialog, to choose a file and put it in that Property?
  7. S

    New Form not recognized in intellisense

    I did some work on a form outside a project of mine - once it was finished, I added the new forms into my existing project I'm trying to open the new form: Dim edit as new frmEdit However, even though the form is there in the project, VS2008 underlines 'frmEdit' and says it's not defined...
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    General Replace Questions

    1. In the old VBScript, there was a compareMethod (binary or text, which with text, I could compare case) but I don't find anything like that in the new .Net Replace method. I know I can use the old way, but I'd like to use the new Replace method. I just need a choice of comparing case or not Is...
  9. S

    Add to Tray

    I have a Winforms app that I've created - I'd like to know if it's possible (and how to do it, or a link to a place that can tell me how), within that application, to allow the user to choose to make it a tray application that can then be accessed from there on out, from the tray. any ideas?
  10. S

    Question How to check specific items in CheckListBox at load

    I have multiple items in a checklistbox. In the page load, I'm trying to check specific items in the list (2,4,8) I've tried cbl1.items.Item(2).checked, and different combinations of this and I can't get anything to work. How can this be done?