Search results for query: *

  1. mjb3030

    Encrypting a text file before email

    A basic cryptography tutorial... Here is another article that has full encryption/decryption code for you to use: Here is a VB version...
  2. mjb3030

    parsing a webpage

    Look into Regular Expressions (System.Text.RegularExpressions) Regular Expressions allow you to do pattern matching on strings. Here is an example on how to extract URL's...
  3. mjb3030

    PDF File

    I did a quick search... I haven't tried this, but here is one that is being offered for free if you exchange web links with the company... . Of course, if you want to just print to PDF using a PrintDocument, here is a free PDF printer...
  4. mjb3030

    Files and streams: taking apart a line of text

    Yes, it will return the line number. If you are going to be doing a lot of this type of work, you will definitely want to look into Regular Expressions, which you will find in the System.Text.RegularExpressions namespace. Regular Expressions allow you to find text within text by matching...
  5. mjb3030


    Sorry, I did not see you were working with ASP.NET. Disregard what I have said :o . I have very little ASP.NET knowledge
  6. mjb3030


    There is no OnClick event. There is a Click event or a CheckedChanged event. If you double-click the checkbox in the designer, it will set up the default event for you ( in this case, CheckedChanged )
  7. mjb3030

    Files and streams: taking apart a line of text

    If you are going to be doing a lot of work with each file, you may find it better to read the whole thing at once and store it. For example: dim sFullText as String = sr.ReadToEnd() dim linenum as Int32 = FindSequenceLine(sFullText, "32771") 'To use the FindSequenceLine function
  8. mjb3030

    Files and streams: taking apart a line of text

    Here are a couple functions I put together which might help you out. The FindSequenceLine function may or may not be useful to you. It returns the line number of a specific sequence number. You send the full file text as a string and the sequence number as a string and it will tell you what line...
  9. mjb3030

    Validating Date From A String

    Assuming Ninel has that option.
  10. mjb3030

    Validating Date From A String

    dim strDate as String = TextBox1.Text.SubString(0,4) & "/" & TextBox1.Text.SubString(4,2) & "/" & TextBox1.Text.SubString(6,2)
  11. mjb3030

    Validating Date From A String

    That is not a valid date format. So, you would either have to change the format (e.g. YYYY/MM/DD) or manually validate it or split the string apart and insert the "/" slashes and validate the result.
  12. mjb3030

    Virtual keyboard on a touch screen application

    This is pretty interesting stuff. I enjoy seeing something a little new and different like this. Anyway, I would just pass a reference of the textbox when I open up the keyboard. When you open the keyboard: Private Sub btnOne_Click(byval sender as Object, byval e as EventArgs) Handles...
  13. mjb3030

    Combobox Item Collection - working with a selection change

    Private Sub ComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ComboBox1.SelectedIndexChanged If ComboBox1.SelectedItem = "SomeSelection" Then TextBox1.Enabled = False End If End Sub This works great for me. Make sure you are using...
  14. mjb3030

    Files and streams: taking apart a line of text

    You can use the ReadLine function to read a single line of text or the Read function to read one character. For example: Dim sr as IO.StreamReader = new IO.StreamReader("C:\filename.txt") Dim strLine as String = sr.ReadLine() 'Read in one line of text and advance the reader one line Dim intChar...
  15. mjb3030

    Please can someone expain to me how this would work

    Then, when adding tab pages to your tab control, use: TabControl1.TabPages.Add(new CustomTabPage) or TabControl1.TabPages.Add(new CustomTabPage(5)) 'To specify which row to read Although, you will probably want to keep a reference to the CustomTabPages so that you can access the labels...
  16. mjb3030

    Please can someone expain to me how this would work

    You could use something like this. Just set up the labels as needed. Public Class CustomTabPage Inherits System.Windows.Forms.TabPage #Region " Component Designer generated code " Public Sub New(ByVal Container As System.ComponentModel.IContainer) MyClass.New() 'Required for Windows.Forms Class...
  17. mjb3030

    Monitor memory usage

    You can write your own using the System.Diagnostics.Process class. It has properties like: VirtualMemorySize, PrivateMemorySize, PeakVirtualMemorySize, PeakPagedMemorySize, PagedSystemMemorySize, PagedMemorySize, NonpagedSystemMemorySize which will show you how much memory you are using. Here...
  18. mjb3030

    Imports Quickie

    The only thing I would change is I would use txtInfo.Focus() instead of txtInfo.Select(0,0) Otherwise, it looks great.
  19. mjb3030

    Formatting text in ... where?

    The best way to show how a print-out will look is to use the PrintPreviewControl. Then, they will see exactly how the printed page will look.
  20. mjb3030

    Any incouraging words or just suggestions.

    Then, of course, at the end, you have to do this: lblLetterGrade.Text = strGrade 'Show the letter grade in your Grade Label.