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  1. M

    Data Adapter Wiz Prob

    Thanks for your reply David -- I'm afraid Clustering is not the issue, as all my other tables are clustered. In SQL Server there are preformance and storage advantages to defining all, or nearly all, tables with a clustered index. (To be honest, my expertise is SQL Server, less in VB .NET)
  2. M

    Data Adapter Wiz Prob

    Dumb question: I have made a zillion data adapters in VS, but this morning the data adapter wizard suddenly complains that it "Could not determine which columns uniquely identify the rows" for a table that has a primary key, and which primary key is in the select statement. This is frustrating...
  3. M

    can I draw a line on the label at design time?

    Ah, I see. Sorry, I did not read carefully enough.
  4. M

    can I draw a line on the label at design time?

    mech3 - you can override the onPaint() method to draw on the form as part of it's refresh. For example, this will add a dotted line to a component: Protected Overrides Sub onpaint(ByVal e As PaintEventArgs) ' Paints a divider line at the bottom of the component...
  5. M

    affecting events in one form from another form... Is this possible?

    vis781 - kulrom's code will indeed beam the text from one form to the other. BUT, from your description I surmise that you have some data (the text in these fields) that "wants" to be stored in a data structure independent from the specific form(s). That is, a simple model/view relationship...
  6. M

    Textbox cursor control

    I think I know what esevin means, though I do not know the solution. In a DOS shell, if you back up with the left arrow, then press the Insert key, the input will go into "overtype" mode, where the characters you type actually replace successive characters instead of pushing them over to the...
  7. M

    Comparing Calculated Values

    Agreed - be careful about comparing numbers vs. comparing text, and storing info in fields vs safely in variables of the correct type. If this is really text you want to compare, then look up Option Compare in the docs, to see more about string comparison. Option Compare will set the behavior of...
  8. M

    User control event dilemma

    OK, closer still; got endedit() to help some: Adding this event handler makes the other controls see the change to the data once the combo is validated: Private Sub myCB(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) HandlesmyCB.Validated Debug.WriteLine("Combo Validated")...
  9. M

    list box and vertical scrollbar

    You don't have to add scrollbars; you can just enable the ones that are already built into the listbox control. See online help for listbox.scrollalwaysvisible property.
  10. M

    User control event dilemma

    New info on this problem: with some dubug messages added in my code, I can see now what's happening: When the offending combobox is changed to a new value, for some reason that change is not setting the rowstate of the row in the dataview to which it is bound immediately, as I would expect it...
  11. M

    User control event dilemma

    Thanks Badger; it might come to that :-)
  12. M

    User control event dilemma

    Introducing a dataview between the controls and the dataset helped me clean up some other issues, but did not solve this paticular issue :-(
  13. M

    User control event dilemma

    Hmm. I am now reading about DataView (rather than DataTable). Looks like the better solution might be a dataview of the datatable in the dataset.
  14. M

    User control event dilemma

    Thanks -- if I understand you, I think that's what I am doing, though, and it's not working. I have an event handler in the main form that is set to handle the table's dataRowChangeEvent. But it acts as if it does not "see" the rowchange events in cases where the table is modified specifically...
  15. M

    User control event dilemma

    I have what is perhaps a bone-headed question. I am working on a small application where - I have a dataset filled with stuff, in two tables - I have a base form, in which there is a panel - At runtime, the panel is filled with repeated user controls for each record of one table in the...