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  • Users: jdy0803
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  1. J

    Error occurs at the beginning

    My VB.NET program work fine from Win XP/7/8. However error occurs at runtime when this program is run in Windows server 2008 R2 standard and some form is opened. I added msgbox like following at the beginning of form_load event to investigate where this error occurs but error occurs prior to...
  2. J

    time value overflows

    Following code works fine with MS Access DB dtExamDate = DateValue(Now) Sql = "SELECT * FROM surgical_exam_history" adapter = New OleDbDataAdapter(Sql, cn) commandBuilder = New OleDbCommandBuilder(adapter) ds = New DataSet() adapter.Fill(ds...
  3. J

    FolderBrowserDialog in Russian Text

    Hello everyone, I have a problem in making Russian version. I made my program to display in Russian text including menu, button, tooltip...... By the way, I have no idea how to change the text of the FolderBrowserDialog. I could change only message("Select the directory.....") with...
  4. J

    Error occurs when terminate Visual Studio 2010

    I open project opening solution file(*.sln) and just exit without doing anything but following error occurs. If I create folder on the desktop and copy project files and try open/exit but no error occurs. How do I solve this problem?
  5. J

    Changing MessageBox text

    I want to change Text of the OK, Cancel, Yes, No buttons in the MessageBox. Is it possible?
  6. J

    Multi Language Support

    My application program's default language is English. I want to make it support several language, for example, English/Spanish/Franch/Chinese/Russian. Default is English and change in the Preference window. How could I do this? Long time ago, in VB6 application, I have done this using Excel...
  7. J

    Error when open Excel file just in case regional date format is Bulgarian (Bulgaria)

    I try opening Excel file using OleDbConnection like following. cn = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0; Data Source=C:\Test.xls;Extended Properties = ""Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes""") cn.Open() '<===== here error occurs! . . . This works fine in English (United States) or other...
  8. J

    Sort by Columnheader click

    I want to make listview to be sorted by columnheader click. I made code like this.Class ListViewItemComparer Implements IComparer Private col As Integer Private AscOrder As Boolean Public Sub New() col = 0 AscOrder = True End Sub...
  9. J

    Reference to caller form's public variable/function

    There' a form(formA) which calls another form(formB). formA calls formB like this. Using frm As New formB frm.ShowDialog(Me) End Using In formB, refer to formA's control like this. CType(Me.Owner, formA).Text1.Text = "AAA" How do I refer formA's...
  10. J

    Textbox update from other form

    Here is 3 forms, form3, form1, form2. form1 has textbox. A. Start form3, form3 load form1, form1 load form2 and form2 try updating form1.textbox but failed. B. But start form1, form1 load form2 and form2 try updating form1.textbox and then textbox is normally updated. I don't know why B...
  11. J

    Displaying number in the textbox

    There is a TextBox which have focus. If press number(0~9), that number should be displayed. I should do this in keydown event. If click number, currently pressed number should be displayed, not accumulated number. for example, press 1, then display 1 press 2, then display 2(not...
  12. J

    INSERT statement error

    Here is my code. cmd = New OleDbCommand() cmd.Connection = cn Sql = "INSERT INTO provider_schedule (provider_id, day, open_yn, start1, end1) VALUES ( '1', '" & ListView1.Items(i).Text.Trim & _ "', '" & ListView1.Items(i).SubItems(1).Text.Trim & "', '" & ListView1.Items(i).SubItems(2).Text.Trim...
  13. J

    Folder Browser Control

    I need to browse folder and get file list of which extension name is bmp, jpg(image files). This control should be placed in the form. There is a System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog, which is a floating dialog style, not fixed in the form. Is there any control for me to implement this?
  14. J

    VB6 Mid$ equivalent

    How to convert this VB6 code to the VB.NET code? Mid$(strTmp, 0, 1) = "0"
  15. J

    Date format conversion

    If regional setting is Dutch (Belgium), date is acquired as "dd/mm/yyyy", for example, 12/03/2013 How do I convert this to English (United States) format string(mm/dd/yyyy), for example, 03/12/2013? I need string!
  16. J

    How to fill String with 0x00

    Here is VB6 code that fill String with 0x00. Private Const cMAXLEN = 255 Dim strLCData As String strLCData = String$(cMAXLEN, 0) How to make VB.NET code for this?
  17. J

    Desktop is showing when form is closed

    In the main window of my program, load form and display as modal like following. Dim frm As New form1 frm.ShowDialog() When close from form1 by Me.Dispose(), desktop(background) is showing in a flash. It looks like this. mainform=>form1=>close form1=>(display...
  18. J


    I made ListView of which columns are "Name", "Chart#", "Alt. Chart#", "Birth Date". I want to searchitem by "Alt. Chart#" using ListView.FindItemWithText method. How to do this?
  19. J

    Windows Security Alert

    I made our own installation package. My application works normally in development environment. However, if install using installation package in fresh PC, "Windows Security Alert" message is displayed in some window. I attached screen capture. Can anybody give me any advice?
  20. J

    application is using some 3rd party .NET dlls

    I'm preparing deployment of my VB.NET application program. This application is using some 3rd party .NET dlls. I've learned two ways of deployment. 1. Copy dlls to the application folder. 2. Use GAC I'm not confidential which way is better. Can anybody give me some advice regarding this?