Search results for query: *

  1. Sparrow

    Incorrect syntax near '='.

    When you want to fill your data grid view or data set you can say: Dim Sql as string Sql = "SELECT Klantnummer, Naamvoornaam, Adres FROM Klant WHERE Klantnummer='" & txtKlantnummer.Text & "'" Dim Taklant As New DataTable = sqlfunctions.filldatatablr(Sql) 'Create a module named sqlfunction and...
  2. Sparrow

    Incorrect syntax near '='.

    or you can say: Cmd.CommandText = "SELECT Klantnummer, Naamvoornaam, Adres FROM Klant WHERE Klantnummer='" & txtKlantnummer.Text & "'"
  3. Sparrow

    Incorrect syntax near '='.

    Cmd.CommandText = "SELECT Klant.Klantnummer, Klant.Naamvoornaam, Klant.Adres From Klant WHERE Klant.Klantnummer='" & txtKlantnummer.Text & "'"
  4. Sparrow

    MySqlDataAdapter.fill of a datatable very slow!

    The problem is not the code, its the connection to the server and the server hardware and how the server was setup. My previous project checked for unbilled calls on a VOIP Sql database and on the main sever where all the calls are it returns about 40 000 rows in 7 columns and that takes about...
  5. Sparrow

    Question im trying to fill my combo box with my database.. HELP.

    Module SqlFunctions Public Function filldatatable(ByVal sql As String) As DataTable Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor 'Mysql Dimms Dim cs As String cs = "Your Connection String" Dim con As New MySqlConnection(cs) Dim ds As New DataTable...
  6. Sparrow

    Question XML DataBase filter by date

    Hi, I am working on a sms agent that dumps the message into a sql database and has another agent cheking it and then sending the sms. I have put in a history view and the option to filter it with 2 datetimepicker but it doesn't seem to work. It just displays everything blank if I try to filter...