Search results for query: *

  1. D

    Can StringBuilder have columns?

    Can I count how many rows in the StringBuilder? Thanks. DanYeung
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    Can StringBuilder have columns?

    How do I get the value by column from the fomatted stringBuilder by column? Thanks. DanYeung
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    Can StringBuilder have columns?

    Thanks. DanYeung
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    Can StringBuilder have columns?

    Can StringBuilder have columns? For example, the first column is comapny name and the second column is address. Instead of ABC Company 1234 Main Street XYZ Corp 789 San Diego Ave. Thanks. DanYeung
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    Format DateTime

    Thanks. DanYeung
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    Format DateTime

    How do I format a date to "Tuesday March 18, 2008 11:02:30 AM"? Thanks. DanYeung
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    Do collections slow down the app performance?

    First of all my original question was in not I used the asp app for example. Second he didn't load the whole table(s) in the client. We are professional. My question was if collections slow down the performance. If you don't know or you are busy, you don't have to answer the...
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    Do collections slow down the app performance?

    A very good question. The application was created by one of my co-workers. The server is hammered so bad that I was suspicious it might be the collections caused it. Before I raise the question, I want to do some research. The reason I thought it might be the collections issues is that he...
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    Do collections slow down the app performance?

    I am using .NET 2003. If an application uses many collections to store data from datasets (looping through the datasets to read data), does it slow down the application performance? If multiple users use the application, does it slow down the SQL server? Thanks. DanYeung
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    Is Application.DoEvent() in ASP.NET or VB.NET? If it is for VB.NET, what is the syntex for ASP.NET 1.1? Thanks. DanYeung
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    How do I make the form stay at the same place after the page is postback?

    If a control with AutoPostBack set to true is at the bottom of the webform, how can I make the form stay at the bottom after the control is clicked and the page is postback? I am using .NET 1.1. Thanks. DanYeung
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    How to get data from multiple columns ListView?

    I figured it out. It should be Me.ListView1.SelectedItems(0).SubItems(3).Text = "D". DanYeung
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    How to get data from multiple columns ListView?

    I tried If Me.ListView1.Items(3).Text = "D" Then and got an error InvalidArgument=Value of '3' is not valid for 'index'. Parameter name: index How am I supposed to get the data from particula column in the ListView? Thanks. DanYeung
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    How to add data to multiple column ListView?

    Thanks, Adam. The code is in a click event. It worked the first time the button was clicked, but bump the second time the button was clicked. Here is my code: Dim listViewItem As New ListViewItem listViewItem.SubItems.Add("0") listViewItem.SubItems.Add("1") listViewItem.SubItems.Add("2")...
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    How to add data to multiple column ListView?

    If the ListView has multiple columns, how do I add data to columns that are not in order? In the other word, how to choose a column in ListView to add data? For example, there are 4 columns and I want to add data to Column1 and Column3. Thanks. DanYeung
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    How to get each value out from the array of Reference?

    I figured it out and want to share. Dim trans As Transaction for each trans in transArray next DanYeung
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    How to get each value out from the array of Reference?

    An array was declared as follow. How do I get each value out from transArray? Thanks. Private transArray() as Transaction Public MustInherit Class Transaction : Implements IComparable Protected _dateTransactionDate As Date ' Date of the transaction Protected _decimalAmount As Decimal '...
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    How to update the ProgressBar in the main form using a thread?

    I forgot to mentioned that my example is using .net 2. How does it in .net 2? Thanks. DanYeung
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    How to update the ProgressBar in the main form using a thread?

    I dropped a ProgressBar on a form. In the form button_click event, it uses a thread to update the ProgressBar. Please the code below. In the Worker1 class, Console.Write("A") worked but not objForm.ProgressBarMeter1.Value = i which means the ProgressBar did not updated. Any suggestion how the...