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  1. S

    how can i contribute?

    I am no means a awesome proficiant coder, but i love doing the stuff and learning as much as i can. How can i contribute back to this community. All my questions no mater how lame some one makes the effort to look over my crap to help point me in the right direction. Ive been over to a lot of...
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    Question Unable to save spreadsheet using Office.Interop

    That explains a lot, that right there was a cluster F of learning how to fake put/get on a threaded app so i temporarily went wild not realizing the impact and shear crudeness of the code. In the end ive learn just get the data i want from excel into either a datatable or datagrid and leave...
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    Question Predefined Columns in a Datagridview using a datatable as Datasource

    Yeah i meant to include intRow = intRow + 1 before the next to make it increment. I still think my logic was flawed because it didnt load all the data just the first column. I would love to learn how to work with the datasource and bindings but, by design it wants datagrid columns to match...
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    Question Predefined Columns in a Datagridview using a datatable as Datasource

    Okay so this code will add the row to the datagridview, I am sadden though I couldn't figure out how to do it with the datasource. 'DataGridView1.DataSource = aTable For Each row As DataRow In aTable.Rows...
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    Question Predefined Columns in a Datagridview using a datatable as Datasource

    When I set the HDR value to No and run the code using the created table as the DataSource I still get nothing in the datagridview control. Edit: I just found something on I guess I could try which would be to go through each column in the datatable and at that time set the...
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    Question Predefined Columns in a Datagridview using a datatable as Datasource

    I'm using the System.DataOleDb.OleDbDataConnection with the extended properties HDR=YES which from my understanding says the first row of the sheet is the header column. It loads the workbook into a dataset then fills my datatable with just the first table. If I'm understanding you correctly, I...
  7. S

    Question Predefined Columns in a Datagridview using a datatable as Datasource

    My code works like this I load an Excel worksheet into a datatable this table is then loaded into my datagridview control. If I leave autogeneratetables = true it creates extra columns. So I set it to false but now it doesn't load anything. Is there not away to bind datatable colunms to the...
  8. S

    Question Breaking down a nested mess

    Herman, Thank you that is genius and I will certainly impliment that approach in my code. I have ~2 projects I'm working on. One that matters and one that's just for play. The one that matters is just getting to the point of being very hard to manage. Once I learned the power of classes I kind...
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    Question Unable to save spreadsheet using Office.Interop

    Rewritting how this all works, I'm going to load the workbook into a datagridview do the work and then export it back as an excel file. This can be marked as answered.
  10. S

    Question Breaking down a nested mess

    Thank you for the reply, It just looks so messy with all those lines under a button sub. I'm trying to think of a way to consolidate the validation logging into the class that handles the validation functions just to keep it clean. If anyone happens to read this I have an additonal question what...
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    Question Breaking down a nested mess

    Okay after staring at my code puzzled for some time I think I came up with a way to clean it up some. In my Class I have a function to validate credentials that returns bool. So for example I create a second function called ValCredLog(byval ValCred(user,pw)) and then return bool back to main...
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    Question Breaking down a nested mess

    Okay I printed out my code and realized that I no longer need to check in the button to verify if the filepath string has a value so that code looks like this now. If booleanVal = True Then WriteLog("NetDomTool Rename Report:") WriteLog("Runtime: " & dtmStartTime)...
  13. S

    Question Breaking down a nested mess

    I have a project that I started and initially it was not to complicated parse a spreadsheet then run a command on each item parsed. It has since grown into a really nasty mess because of my lack of true programming skills. I have a button that has ~180 lines of code in it. Most of the code flows...
  14. S

    Question Unable to save spreadsheet using Office.Interop

    My coding sucks, I very new to .Net programing. So I'll try to explain this mess and post some of my code if necessary. On my main form I open a filediaglog and open a xls, create my class object that handles opening and returning the spreadsheet to the main form, the main form the works with...