Search results for query: *

  1. mmarkym

    closing forms

    This may be a stupid question but inside a button event handler, I want to open another form and close the current form. I tried me.close and then but both forms close.
  2. mmarkym

    Select statement-True or false?

    I have this function with a Select statement. After the select statement I want to dtermine if the select statement was successful or not and if successful to redirect to a page. Also is the syntax of the select statement correct? Public Function Login(ByVal user, ByVal Pass) As String...
  3. mmarkym


    I have this in my button_click procedure. The syntax for the command text property is producing an error. Private Sub btnInsert_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnInsert.Click Dim cn As New SqlConnection Dim cmd As New SqlCommand Try...
  4. mmarkym

    CommandText property

    Hi, I have a class that contains a function DataInsert that uses the command objects command text property to insert data into a sql database. In the code below the insert statement is reading the literal values. I want to insert the txtboxes instead of the literal values. How would I do this...
  5. mmarkym

    removing double letters in a string

    The code I have so far Dim ConsonantToCheck As String = txtEnterWord.Text Dim StringToCheck As String = txtAlphabet.Text Dim VowelToCheck As String = txtVowels.Text Dim theLetterConsanant As String If txtEnterWord.Text = "" Then Exit Sub Else 'retreive the last letter of the entered word...
  6. mmarkym

    removing double letters in a string

    I have 2 textboxes in which one textbox is searched for the current letter entered in the 1st textbox. right now if the 2nd textbox (the textbox to be searched) contains the current letter of the 1st textbox it removes all the letters if there are more than 1. i want it to remove just one of the...
  7. mmarkym

    two textboxes

    What I mean is: I have 2 textboxes in which one textbox is searched for the current letter entered in the 1st textbox. right now if the 2nd textbox (the textbox to be searched) contains the current letter of the 1st textbox it removes all the letters if there are more than 1. i want it to...
  8. mmarkym

    Installing SQL server

    I'm trying to install an instance of SQL server in VS. SQL server is installed on my computer. Under server explorer when I click on my server I get a sql server not recognized or access denied. In my system tray near the clock I see a sql server icon but it reads not connected. I've already...
  9. mmarkym

    two textboxes

    one more thing That worked great. I thought it might be reading a 0 for the first letter and not recognizing it. Now when the textbox to search contains more than one of the letters that the theLetter represents I want to leave one of the letters. mark Dim WordToCheck As String =...
  10. mmarkym

    two textboxes

    I've almost got it. As I enter a letter in one box the same letter in the other box is replaced with "". The problem is the first letter won't do anything. If I have 1st box contains- a b c d e f g As I type in the second box all letters will be removed(replaced) except the a, nothing...
  11. mmarkym

    Subtracting a string from 2 Textboxes

    If I enter a letter in one textbox and if the letter is in the other textbox (Already contains a string), I want the letter to be removed from that textbox. I have the code below that works once but as you enter more letters it doesn't. PrivateSub txtEnterWord_TextChanged(ByVal sender As...
  12. mmarkym

    Dictionary on a form

    I've written a windows application game that uses words that need to be checked for spelling. Is there a way to check spelling of words programatically? Is there an object or method that will check the spelling of a word mark
  13. mmarkym

    generating random letters

    Hi, Is there anyway to generate the alphabet randomly with the int(rnd() function or any other way? mark