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  1. S

    How do I sorting in a gridview, cant get it to work

    Hi Menthos That dident fix the problem, The header link is still not running the sort event.
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    Need a little help with numeric links for paging Datalist.

    Hi. I have a little script that shows a page with a Datalist. it shows the datalist just fine and paging with next, prev, last and first is also working fine. Now im trying to add numeric link paging but i cant get it to work/show. Im new in this so somethings im not 100% in. I have a...
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    How do I sorting in a gridview, cant get it to work

    Hi Menthos. Im new to this, where/How do i add ViewState !?
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    How do I sorting in a gridview, cant get it to work

    Hi. I have a Gridview thats is working just fine, but when i click the sort header link, nothing happens !?? it will not sort the data by Desc or Asc Can someone help... Main grid_view code <asp:GridView ID="MySource" runat="server" CellPadding="4" ForeColor="#333333" GridLines="None"...
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    Gridview help with sorting

    Hi. Im new to this but have found a C# ex. for sorting that i have converted to VB. If i just run the code with my db connection in Page_Load to the gridview i get the data i need, but if im trying to make a sorting code, then im not getting anydata, i have a clean page_load and i have the...
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    How do I get a value from an asp:textbox into an asp:textbox in a modal window.

    Hi I have a mail subscription script, and its working, like this. <div class="block-content"> <div class="form-subscribe-header">Sign up for our newsletter</div> <label for="newsletter">Sign Up for Our Newsletter:</label> <div class="input-box">...
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    Routes dont work, its only show the real page name in link

    Hi JohnH I have tryed to make a code on the codebehind for the default.aspx page, but i get an NullRef error Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load If Request.UrlReferrer.AbsolutePath = "/default.aspx" Then...
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    Routes dont work, its only show the real page name in link

    just some info. If i have a link to "Butikken" then it works, it show (Real link But first time loading the page as then it show and then my websitemap menu is not working, its not showing...
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    Routes dont work, its only show the real page name in link

    Hi Im looking on some routes.MapPageRoutes but i cant get it to work. I have these link ROOT default..aspx brands.aspx service.aspx contact.aspx aboutus.aspx shopping.aspx ALL these pages is running with a masterpage eb.master (also in the root) And then i have the global file that have the...
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    How can i use menu.controller web.sitemap with diffrent image.

    THX bc u are so hard that u DONT write a 100% solution, i ended up with this code, and that work THX. Protected Sub navcontainer_MenuItemDataBound(sender As Object, e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.MenuEventArgs) Handles navcontainer.MenuItemDataBound Dim map = CType(e.Item.DataItem...
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    How can i use menu.controller web.sitemap with diffrent image.

    Can u help me with an ex. on the "Use a Variable" or the ex for the SiteMapNode !?
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    How can i use menu.controller web.sitemap with diffrent image.

    Hi John i have made this and its working, but its a long code, can i write the code so its not so long, but do the same thing !? Protected Sub navcontainer_MenuItemDataBound(sender As Object, e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.MenuEventArgs) Handles navcontainer.MenuItemDataBound Dim...
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    How can i use menu.controller web.sitemap with diffrent image.

    Ok but where do i do that (with the IF) and is it the title="page 3" from the sitemap im looking at from the sitemap And is it If Eval("Text") = "page 1" Then style.Width = Unit.Pixel(234) ElseIf Eval("Text") = "page 2" Then style.Width = Unit.Pixel(100) and so on, Or ...
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    How can i use menu.controller web.sitemap with diffrent image.

    Hi John Hope its k to ask, if i have 5 images thats have the same height, how can i then changes the width !? lets say c1 (imgLink, imgHover and imgActiv) have one width and c2 another and c3 another again and so on but the images have the same width inside every single c number group. How can...
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    Problem showing files in folder, with pageload but if i use Button1.Click then no pro

    I got problems showing files from a folder, with Page_Load. But if i add a Button Click event, then i got no problem. I have a folder named "upload" if i use this code with Page_Load i get a blank page... I have tryed deleting the button and the "Me.TextBox1.Text.Trim &" from the GetFile in...
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    Problem showing files in folder, with pageload but if i use Button1.Click then no pro

    Will not show files in folder, i get a BLANK page. Hi Im trying to learn how to upload files to an folder, and then show the files from the folder, I can easy upload files to the folder in VS2010 (on the pc) and on the server (Unoeuro) but when i will see the files in the folder, the page load...
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    How can i see what CSS code, thats in use.

    no one that can help !?
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    How can i see what CSS code, thats in use.

    Hi I have a site with a lot of CSS code in the css file, i know thats there is alot thats not in use. How can i easilly see what CSS code that in use and what isent !? Is there a program that can scanne the site and then show what CSS code thats no ref to !?
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    How can i use menu.controller web.sitemap with diffrent image.

    if i normally use this as nav from the css #nav a { display: block; width: auto; text-indent: -9999px; height: 21px; background: url('nav.png') no-repeat scroll 0pt 0pt transparent; } #nav a#home { width: 61px; } #nav a#home:hover { background-position: 0pt -21px; } #nav a#home:active {...
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    How can i use menu.controller web.sitemap with diffrent image.

    Hi JohnH Its works perfect now, thx. about the I know but in this post and my post before this the add code #, is not showed. there is missing some icons in the Quick Reply menu. But THX alot, i will play a little with the code, and then make the code i need. one last question, in this ex. i...