Search results for query: *

  1. BleedNBlue

    File Dates and CurrentCulture

    How does the CurrentCulture setting affect file dates? Does it affect file dates? Here is the specific situation... I wrote a document management system that stores manufacturing files in Oracle as a BLOB. When inserting the files the date is converted to GMT. My company just bought another...
  2. BleedNBlue

    Question Find Specific Text In Text File

    Read each line into an array. Like this... Dim Lines() As String Lines = Split(ReadTextFileContents("C:\Test.txt"), vbCrLf) Public Function ReadTextFileContents(FileName As String) As String ReadTextFileContents = String.Empty Try ReadTextFileContents =...
  3. BleedNBlue

    Question My.Settings solution?

    You could use the tried-and-true .ini file method. Personally, I am moving away from .ini files and using the user settings functionality.
  4. BleedNBlue

    download path different on chrome, IE and mozilla

    So are you wanting to a hard code navigation URL based on browser? If yes, figure out the browser first. User Request.Browser to get all kinds of info about the browser. Examples: Request.Browser.Type, Request.Browser.Name
  5. BleedNBlue

    Question Calendar Error Message

    You need some java to get your method to work. Try using AJAX. Specifically the CalendarExtender.
  6. BleedNBlue

    Problem using DateTimePicker control

    Format is case sensitive (strange for Microsoft). Try DateTimePicker1.Format = DateTimePickerFormat.Custom DateTimePicker1.CustomFormat = "dd/MM/yy"
  7. BleedNBlue

    Saving combo box value

    cmd.Parameters.Add("@IdSupplier", SqlDbType.BigInt).Value = Me.ComboBox1.SelectedValue
  8. BleedNBlue

    Discussion: Has Anyone Ever Marveled at the Complexity of a Code Editor in the IDE?

    Completely agree! Microsoft has always built amazing IDEs.
  9. BleedNBlue

    Question class decelerarion as array

    If I find myself needing to use an array (with the exception when using the split function) I choose a standalone recordset (VB6) or DataTable (.Net). Sorry for not answering your question, but standalone recordsets / DataTables are much more powerful.
  10. BleedNBlue

    Question treeview node problem

    I would not use the NodeMouseClick event. I would use the AfterSelect event. Pretty sure you do not want to the event to fire when expanding or collapsing nodes.. Like this Private Sub TreeView1_AfterSelect(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.TreeViewEventArgs) Handles...