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  1. G

    Find all words in a string that begin with specific characters

    First thing I would do is separate the words into an array and then go through that array asking if the words start with @@ here is an example: Dim str As String Dim aux As String() Dim res As String() Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer = 0 str = "@@a...
  2. G

    managed directx

    Hi, I don't know about visual studio 2010, but the same thing happened to me using vs2005. You can find the dll's in c:\windows\Microsoft.NET\DirectX for Managed Code and after that you will need to choose the correct folder/dll depending on what you need to do.
  3. G

    Question How to call a WebService (with and without a parameter) ?

    Hello, you need to declare the webservice first (even after having it as a web reference): i.e.: dim ws As New GetAllCalls.GetAllCalls (don't know how your webservice is called) and then you should be able to access all the webService properties like with any other class i.e.: ws.url
  4. G

    Question httpWebRequest & proxy problem

    Hi, I am using httpWebRequest to read the content of a url through a proxy server. Since I didn't want to configure the proxy in my application I read whatever I had in the IE, but it seems to take forever to actually read the url (less than 1kb). Here is the code that I am using. Is there...