Search results for query: *

  1. dosborn278

    Console & form program

    My startup module is sub main. It is a generic module that checks for command line arguments. If it doesn't get a -s then it creates an instance of the form and displays it, otherwise it does Console.WriteLine. Unforunately the Console.Writeline don't go anywhere, even if the program was...
  2. dosborn278

    Console & form program

    I don't think this will work. If the user starts the program from the command line I'm thinking this would open a new console window instead of outputing to the current one. There must be a way to just output to the current console window if one is open.
  3. dosborn278

    Console & form program

    I'm trying to create a program that can run via the command line or in GUI. If the user runs the the program and passes a -s option it should not open up the form and instead output text to the current console window. Unforunately I can't figure out how to output to the console window. A...