Search results for query: *

  1. S

    User Control Point Array Property

    I have a user control which has a property that is an array/collection of points I am trying to add some default values to a number of points using the DefaultValue decoration from the ComponentModel e.g. Imports System.ComponentModel Public Class HomewarePolygon Inherits...
  2. S

    List Windows Services

    Is there a .net function to return a list of Windows Services installed? I need to be able to search through the list of installed services. I've found the necessary classes for starting and stopping a service but I need some classes that will allow me to discover available Windows Services...
  3. S

    Access Control from name stored in String

    I have the name of a control in a string. I want to access the properties etc of that control. If I try to use me.controls() the index of the control is required. How do I access the control based on the name. OR how do I get the index of a control from its name?
  4. S

    Draw over controls

    I'm trying to draw a rectangle using GDI+ - very simple. I want the rectangle to appear when i hover over a control and dissappear when the mouse leaves the control. This I have accomplished - but I still have problems: The rectangle is drawn underneath the controls on the form. I want the...