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  1. C

    Transfering data from VB.NET to Excel

    You need to include the references to the dll's that contain the "excel.application" object, like Interop.Excel and Interop.VBIDE... check the example code you may have downloaded from microsoft, you should click on the "references" tree in the solution explorer. There you will see the items...
  2. C

    Transfering data from VB.NET to Excel

    Well, the construct used in the example is a datagrid, but you could transfer from any structure, provided you can refer to your data one "cell" at a time.
  3. C

    Transfering data from VB.NET to Excel

    Below is a link to some microsoft sample VB.NET code that can transfer contents of a datagrid to an excel spreadsheet: Hopefully this can help you transfer your data to a spreadsheet...
  4. C

    General Scoping Question?

    This sounds like the approach I would need. My basic goal was to consolidate duplicate code/objects into a single reference where possible. THANKS!
  5. C

    General Scoping Question?

    Hi all: I have a general question concerning scoping of code within an application. I have written an application that consists of a main (parent) form with a toolbar that shows several additional (child) forms based on the value selected on the toolbar. I have noticed that each of the...
  6. C

    cleaning up memory after launching Excel from button

    Actually, garbage collection WAS the answer. I had to force the garbage collection to occur in the closing handler of the form as follows: GC.Collect() GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers() After that bit of code, the occurrence of EXCEL.EXE is removed from memory.
  7. C

    Retrieve only column names of table

    OK, assuming you have a table in your schema named Customer, here is how you would list the columns for the customer table: select column_name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where table_name = 'Customer'; The results will look similar to this: column_name ------------- cid custid...
  8. C

    cleaning up memory after launching Excel from button

    Hmmm... it STILL is leaving the process hanging out there when I close that specific form. I KNOW I am executing the closing handler, but for some reason the process(s) still remains until the entire application shuts down.
  9. C

    cleaning up memory after launching Excel from button

    No luck here... upon executing (I placed the KillProcess call in the closing sub for the form) the process still remained in the taskmanager.
  10. C

    cleaning up memory after launching Excel from button

    Thanks for your reply. This method still leaves the EXCEL.EXE as a process in memory if the user has already exited excel manually however.
  11. C

    cleaning up memory after launching Excel from button

    Thanks for the speedy response... I will try it out immediately :)
  12. C

    Opening excel AFTER(!!!) export to it...

    If you make the excel application visible property = False, until you have finished loading the data, there is no way the user can see it. As soon as you finish loading all your cells, make the excel app visible like this: ' view the spread sheet objExcel.Visible = True
  13. C

    cleaning up memory after launching Excel from button

    [RESOLVED] - Cleaning up memory after launching Excel from button Here's my little problem: Currently I am using a button on a windows form to transfer the contents of a datagrid into an Excel Spreadsheet and view the resulting sheet in Excel: Each time the button is pressed during the same...