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  1. trialer

    Question How to insert record from gridview to database in background worker w/ progress bar?

    i already found a solution for this. With DataGridView1 Dim a As Integer = 0 UltraProgressBar1.Maximum = DataGridView1.Rows.Count UltraProgressBar1.Value = ProgressBar1.Minimum For Each row As DataGridViewRow In .Rows Dim...
  2. trialer

    Question How to insert record from gridview to database in background worker w/ progress bar?

    Private Sub BackgroundWorker1_DoWork(sender As System.Object, e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs) Handles BackgroundWorker1.DoWork With DataGridView1 For i As Long = 1 To 100 BackgroundWorker1.ReportProgress(i) For Each row As...
  3. trialer

    Question Need help to set image on datagridview.

    how do i count the rows which contains image 1 and image 0?
  4. trialer

    [Prototype] -Advanced RAT--- [Source]

    link removed. please post it in a zipped file
  5. trialer

    Question Need help to set image on datagridview.

    'data of the datagridview dgvSubs.Columns.Clear() dgvSubs.Columns.Add("a", "a") dgvSubs.Columns.Add("b", "b") dgvSubs.Columns.Add("c", "c") Dim row As String() = New String() {"1", "Product 1", "1000"} dgvSubs.Rows.Add(row)...
  6. trialer

    Question Question on F5 to F8 keydown event?

    Select Case e.KeyCode Case Keys.F1, Keys.F2, Keys.F3, Keys.F4, Keys.F5, Keys.F6, Keys.F7, Keys.F8, Keys.F9, Keys.F10, Keys.F11, Keys.F12 MsgBox(e.KeyCode) End Select Whenever i try to do a keydown event in F5 to F8, they have the same keycode. Please...
  7. trialer

    How to insert a RowNumber in a vb report?

    i need in a report viewer something look like this # -------------------- Table 1 --------------Table 2 1---------------------ID_0001---------------- J.R. 2---------------------ID_0002---------------- Don 3---------------------ID_0003---------------- Kate Total: 3
  8. trialer

    How to insert a RowNumber in a vb report?

    Help on how to insert a RowNumber on a reportviewer.
  9. trialer

    Question ConnectionString for a Remote Sql Server

    used SQL Server Authentication.
  10. trialer

    Question how to restore a database ?

    I follow the code here but in restoring a database it doesn't work for me. Backup and Restore SQL Server Databases - Home Thanks in advance.
  11. trialer

    Question child form icon Question?

    Finally I've found it. Thank you.
  12. trialer

    Question child form icon Question?

    could you make a sample code for me.. im trying to understand but no hope., can't get it. is says that 'Item' is not member of eventargs here my new code now Private Sub Books_Monitoring_SizeChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) AddHandler Me.SizeChanged...
  13. trialer

    Question child form icon Question?

    where would i put that For ItemAdded event handler: here's my code Private Sub Borrowers_SizeChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.SizeChanged If Me.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized Then Me.ShowIcon = False ElseIf...
  14. trialer

    Question child form icon Question?

    How do i hide Child Form Icon in menustrip when its state set to maximized and show child form icon when its state set to normal state? when i set the form property icon to showicon = false defaulticon appears in menustrip?
  15. trialer

    How disallow duplicate items in datagrid view?

    Thanks for helping me to solve this. here's my new code for now. Dim indgv2 As Boolean If DataGridView2.Rows.Count > 0 Then indgv2 = False str1 = DataGridView1.CurrentRow.Cells("Description1").Value For dgv2row As Integer = 0 To...
  16. trialer

    How disallow duplicate items in datagrid view?

    im making of a program that will move items from datagridview1 to datagridview2. if the selected row to be move from datagridview have already in the in the datagridview2 it will do nothing but if it doesn't have in datagridview2 it will add to its items. here's my code but have some errors...
  17. trialer

    How connect to database in local system?

    tnx jmcilhinney. how can i connect appication to sql database over the network. here's an example: client--------------------------------server--------------------------client application----------------> DATABASE< application
  18. trialer

    How to disable shortcut keys

    i think i found the answer to my problem.. if user = "" then SaveToolStripMenuItem.ShortcutKeys = Nothing Else SaveToolStripMenuItem.ShortcutKeys = Keys.Ctrl + Keys.S
  19. trialer

    How to disable shortcut keys

    well anyway thank you.. i had make a condition in my program that when somebody login, shortcut menus are enabled and when it logouts the shortcuty menu is set to disable so that when they press the shortcut menu it won't process any command..
  20. trialer

    How to disable shortcut keys

    in my form, i have toolstrip and some of them have shortcut keys. how do i disable them on load. i cant find the exact code. Private Sub MainMenu_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load login.ShortcutKeys.enabled = false End Sub