Search results for query: *

  1. N

    Cannot Access a Closed File

    I found the source of the disposal. Trying to determine the number of columns in the tab separated file by using this statement: Using newStreamReader As StreamReader = New StreamReader(fStream) getColumnCount = Split(newStreamReader.ReadLine(), cDelim).Length End...
  2. N

    Cannot Access a Closed File

    I can't understand why I'm getting this error. I'm trying to parse a tab seperated file. After 10 lines being read it throws the above error which is an ObjectDisposedException. Public Function readNextLine(ByRef buffer As Single()) As Boolean Dim i As Integer Dim tempString As...
  3. N

    ReadWrite to file, file access errors

    That sounds like the issue to me. The StreamWriter opens the stream and writes to file and closes. Whereas the log reader has the StreamReader open for as long as it takes to import the data and then closes it. So imagine the StreamWriter tries to open while the StreamReader is already open...
  4. N

    ReadWrite to file, file access errors

    I'm having some problems with file access to a log file that my program is writing to. I have it all set up fine and it logs the data being pulled off the network to a file. But when I copy and paste that log file with windows explorer (XP) or I open the file with a log viewer program that...