Search results for query: *

  1. K

    SQL Exception problem

    ive tried the first method u said of '"& userID &"' AND '"& password &"' and this wont compile...
  2. K

    SQL Exception problem

    Hi TPM, i added parameters within the With dbCommand part.. but i get the below error: Details of exception: The parameter data type of System.ArgumentException:Char is invalid. Source error: Line 72: With dbCommand Line 73:. ..line.. 74-Connection=dbConnection...
  3. K

    SQL Exception problem

    hi TPM thanks for the reply. I figured out i need to just select with the *. This will return a row if it found something. but now the problem is even if i put the correct details in, it wont let me through to the next page. code: Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal...
  4. K

    SQL Exception problem

    hi thanks for the reply. I put the following code before and it directed me to the default page. yes and i see the problem of count returning a row. How can i get around this? With dbCommand .Connection = dbConnection .CommandText = "declare @userID As varChar...
  5. K

    SQL Exception problem

    i want to create a login page using and . I get this error: Details of exception: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: There is a syntax invalid near line 1'' Source error: Line 77: DataAdapter.SelectCommand=dbCommand Line 78: Line 79: DataAdapter.Fill(ds) Line 80: Line 81: Return...