Search results for query: *

  1. ghassan_aljabiri

    get the record id after inserting

    hello I use this code to insert a record to a table CustodiesTableAdapter.InsertQuery(cname, Now.Date, 0, cnotes, eid) the record contains an autonumber field (cid) i need this value after inserting I used this code CustodiesBindingSource.MoveLast() Dim cid As Long =...
  2. ghassan_aljabiri

    How to Package for windows xp

    hi I used 2008 express to build a database application i created database using access 2007 i created the application using 2008 express the application creates a report on word at run time my developing environement is - windows xp - .net framwork 3.5 - office 2007 -
  3. ghassan_aljabiri

    which is the best structure?

    hello my database contains two tables (subjects,lessons) every subject consists of many lessons subjects table -------------- subjectid bigint (pk) subjectname text lessons table -------------- lessonid bigint (pk) lessonname text now a relation of many to one should be...
  4. ghassan_aljabiri

    Question using progressbar

    hello i build a form to do a search in a database this form contains a progressbar with visible=false if the user clicks the search button : 1- the progressbar should be visible 2- do the search 3- put the results counter in a label 4- the progressbar should be inVegetable (invisible) I use...
  5. ghassan_aljabiri

    one or more dataset in one application

    this is the situation an application has a main form with many button a button calls a dialog that is used to add to the database a button calls a dialog that is used to delete from the database a button calls a dialog that is used to search and so on i use many datasets (one per form) is...
  6. ghassan_aljabiri

    update row using databound textboxs

    hello my form contains , GDBDataSet , CasesTableAdapter , CasesDindingsource where Cases is the name of the table I modified the GDBDataSet in the design mode , so it selects only one row the selected row is displayed on the form using databounded textboxs and combos the form contains a...
  7. ghassan_aljabiri

    Question just a begginer

    :confused:hello every body my table name is cases , it contains many rows my form contains several textbox a user selects an id the row with that id (pk) should be loaded to the textboxes a user may edit textboxs a button should save changes , where do i start?:D
  8. ghassan_aljabiri

    Question Record is added to the tableadapter , but how to refresh the datagridview

    Hello if a DataGridView is bounded to a DATASET to display a table , a tableAdapter is Used to Add a Record to the table , how to refresh the contents of the dataGridview to display the table after addition? this is my code Dim nc As New NewCaseDialog nc.ShowDialog() If...
  9. ghassan_aljabiri

    Question cant insert records to data base

    hello I added the following stored procedure to the data base , it adds a record to a table --------------------------------------------- ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.AddNewLabStoredProcedure ( @LabName as nvarchar(MAX), @LabSite as nvarchar(MAx), @LabSupervisor as nvarchar(MAX), @LabisActive as...