Search results for query: *

  1. V

    How to display Parent/Child records in Datagrid

    Hello, Would anyone know of a good resource on the web which would explain how to display parent and child records from 2 tables in a SQL Server database? I would like to display both parent and child records in a datagrid. thx for any help.
  2. V

    How to reference a page's child control in Javascript

    hello, What I am attempting to do, is to handle when a user presses the enter key in my .net web application. If the enter key is pressed, then I want to simulate what would happen if the "Next" link button on my web page is clicked. I register the javascript via the Page_PreRender event. The...
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    Finding a child control via Javascript

    hello, What I am attempting to do, is to handle when a user presses the enter key in my .net web application. If the enter key is pressed, then I want to simulate what would happen if the "Next" link button on my web page is clicked. I register the javascript via the Page_PreRender...
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    Repeater dilema

    I meant to say I looped through the first DataSet, which had not Data Tables or Data Relations defined, and filled the 2nd DataSet, which did have 2 Data Tables and a Data Relation defined.
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    Repeater dilema

    You were right! The solution that we took was pretty much exactly as you provided. What happened was my application was getting a DataSet, which was filled from (2) DB2 tables. Since the code that filled the DataSet did not use a DataAdapter object, (and all of the examples on the internet...
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    Repeater dilema

    Ok, my last response I still went on about a table join, and your advice was to not join the 2 tables. How can I do this? Don't I still need to run the SQL to get all the rows from both tables where the primary and foreign key match? Isn't that the join? "I would take a different approach...
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    Repeater dilema

    Re: Thanks for the reply, I like your approach and have tried all day to get something working. I realized today that I am really talking about displaying the parent/child records in a repeater(s) or datagrid. It seems that this is a very fundamental thing to do, but, somehow I'm messing it...
  8. V

    Repeater dilema

    Thanks for the reply. I don't believe Distinct is the answer because I'm doing a join with 2 tables. All the rows returned in the dataset will be unique because of the 'LANGUAGES_SPOKEN' column. Back to the drawing board :)
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    Repeater dilema

    I want to user a repeater to display the results in my dataset. I am joining 2 tables. ex) table 1 ****** NAME CITY Fred ElPaso table 2 ****** NAME LANGUAGES_SPOKEN Fred German Fred Latin Fred English So my dataset looks like this after joining the 2 tables on NAME...
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    Repopulate datagrid with button click

    Re: Hello, Thanks for taking the time to reply. I did not try the line of code you indicated; maybe that would have been the answer for me? I instead, just scrapped the idea of the modal window, and am using just .aspx pages, so with this re-design, I eliminated my problem. I just didn't...
  11. V

    Repopulate datagrid with button click

    Hello, In my application I have a hyperlink on a web form, that when clicked, opens a new, separate webform.aspx in a modal dialog window. This new, separate form in the modal window has a datagrid that I fill from a dataset on page_load. My issue is that I place a linkbutton on the bottom...
  12. V

    data structure question

    Re: Thank you for the reply!
  13. V

    data structure question

    hello, I am designing an ASP.NET web application and have 1 class (PurchaseOrder) that contains another class (Item) as an attribute. (Using aggregation) The Item class has 2 attributes (name & quantity). I am trying to find the best data structure to hold many instances of Item...
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    Can an AccessKey trigger the On_Click event?

    Hi, In my web form I have a linkbutton, which I have assigned "S" as the AccessKey property. When I press "Alt" & "S", focus does transfer to my linkbutton; however, shouldn't the On-Click event fire also? If not, is there anything I can do to have that event fire after focus is sent via...