Search results for query: *

  1. [RTS]BN+VS*

    WPF rich text box

    Hey, What is the WPF equivalent of this code in a windows forms application? dim strList as new list(of string) for each line as string in richtextbox.lines strList.add(line) next This seems to be a lot more complex in WPF, and I'm having the feeling I'm tackling it the wrong way. How...
  2. [RTS]BN+VS*

    Importing string list from SQL dump

    Hey, (not sure this is the right section) I want to import a list of string from an SQL dump of one table. So if I have a db with a table products, and a field product_name in it, I want to end up with a list/array containing all the product names. After opening the SQL dump with my app the...
  3. [RTS]BN+VS*

    Performance issue

    Hey, I want to go through all combinations that can be made with a certain group of symbols as fast as possible. How can I do this with maximum performance? Cheers BN
  4. [RTS]BN+VS*

    Implementation of IDisposable

    Hey, I implemented IDisposable into one of my classes, but don't know if I did it correctly. Can someone tell me what will be cleared from memory and what will remain after calling .Dispose on an instance of this class? Option Strict On : Option Explicit On Imports System.ComponentModel...
  5. [RTS]BN+VS*

    Form focus

    Hey, I want to check if a form has focus. The .focused property does not return the results I need. When a user is using a control in the form, the property will return false... How can I check if the user is using my form and not another one? Cheers BN
  6. [RTS]BN+VS*

    Getting the current data

    Hey, I need to get the current data from a grid for some live validation stuff that occurs when the content of a cell is changed. Is it possible to get this data without commiting it to the grid, or with doing that but without having to end the user edit? Cheers BN
  7. [RTS]BN+VS*

    TextChanged like event

    Hey, I need to execute a script every time the content of a datagridviewcel is changed. How can I accomplish this? Cheers BN
  8. [RTS]BN+VS*

    Multilanguage controls

    Hey, I'm using a number of custom controls in a multi language application. What's the best way to make the controls display the correct language? Do I change properties of the control via the application depending on language strings fetched by it, or do I make the control itself support...
  9. [RTS]BN+VS*

    Beta testing section

    Hey, First of all I think this is a very good programming support forums - quicke and (mostly) helpful responses :) One thing I think is lacking (and if it is present I'll already hit myself a few times :D) is a beta testing section. A place where people can post beta versions of their...
  10. [RTS]BN+VS*


    Hey, I've written a class and dialog that check if there is an update available for a certain application and then download an updater that downloads the required files, deletes the old ones and puts the new ones on the correct place. There are two things I'm not sure about how to best solve...
  11. [RTS]BN+VS*

    Timestamp conversion

    Hey, How can I convert a (unix) timestamp (which I get from a web service as integer) to a human readable date? I can't find anything helpful on google :( Cheers BN
  12. [RTS]BN+VS*

    Open source developpement

    Hey, I'm looking for a place where I can share my open source code and contribute to other projects. Can anyone recommend me a site/community where there is lots of support and enthusiasm for open source? (I don't know if this is the right place to ask this, if not, please move this topic :))...
  13. [RTS]BN+VS*

    Better performance with multi threading?

    Hey, I'm creating a password hash recovery tool that uses brute force. I have the brute force algorithm run in a background worker. It all works, but some similar apps I tried out have performance ~100x bigger then my app. (mine does 50k keys/second, some others do 5m keys/second or more.) I...
  14. [RTS]BN+VS*

    Updating web based db from client

    Hey, I have a mysql db (used for a site) on a linux server and want to approach it from a remote source. This remote source can be a desktop application, or another site. I can request data using a php web service, but don't know how to do any write action without creating major security...