Search results for query: *

  1. jvcoach23

    How do you find the disk ID of a drive

    Got it.. thanks for the reply.. put me on the right track. Here is the code Dim scope As ManagementScope scope = New ManagementScope( _ "\\computername\root\cimv2") scope.Connect() Dim query As ObjectQuery query = New ObjectQuery( _...
  2. jvcoach23

    How do you find the disk ID of a drive

    sure.. please forward it.. i'll try to fight my way through it thanks
  3. jvcoach23

    How do you find the disk ID of a drive

    close.. but not quite i also need the drive number associated with the drive... like when you look at perfmon... and go into a physical drive and go down to the instance level.. you'll see it list the drive as 0 C:, 1 D: something like that.. that is what i also need... have any ideas? thanks...
  4. jvcoach23

    How do you find the disk ID of a drive

    i'm trying to list out the what to pick when using the perfmon counter, physical disk. when you look at it in perfmon, it shows for example, 0 C:, 1 D:. I see how to get the drive letters avaliable on the sytem.. but i can't figure out how in to get the disk id. Can someone help me...
  5. jvcoach23

    strongly typed data sets and custom classes

    I've got a question regarding using classes for a datasource. I'm using 2 classes, one holds the property names and my save function, the other goes and gets the data and puts it into the first class using the iList. here is my question.. since i have all the property names.. i don't understand...
  6. jvcoach23

    ParameterDirection qustion

    Ok.. here it goes.. I'm using the BindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click event that does some validation checking, then calls a Private Sub called Here is part of it.. Private Sub SaveWaitingListInfo() If mId = 0 Then Dim dataGridRow As DataGridViewRow For Each dataGridRow...
  7. jvcoach23

    ParameterDirection qustion

    no, 8 is not what I'm wanting. when i step throught the code. when it goes to give the @intTblWaitingListId parm a value, the mintTblWaitingListId = 0 which is what the value should be. then, once the .parameter("@intTblWaitingListId").direction=inputout (that syntax isn't exact.. but i'm...
  8. jvcoach23

    ParameterDirection qustion

    I'm using Vb 2005 and Sql 2005. I'm trying to use the ParameterDirection.inputout... and it's not working. With cm .Parameters.Add("@intTblWaitingListId", SqlDbType.Int).Value = mintTblWaitingListId .Parameters("@intTblWaitingListId").Direction =...
  9. jvcoach23

    BindingSource and BindingNavigator

    I think i got it.. not working perfectly.. but getting there. here is the code Me.CampersBindingSource.AddNew() Debug.WriteLine(Me.CampersBindingSource.CurrencyManager.Position.ToString) Debug.WriteLine(Me.CampersBindingSource.Count) Dim count1 As Integer =...
  10. jvcoach23

    BindingSource and BindingNavigator

    a vb 2005 question.. I've got a datasource that is bound to an object. I'm getting my results to a detail view fine.. and can use the bingingnavigator to click through each row. I'd like to be able to click on the + sign in the binding navigator and go to a new, blank "row" that I can later...
  11. jvcoach23


    I'm using the BeginInoke to return a sqldatareader from a secondary thread back to the ui. it is working great.. unless the database I'm trying to connect to is offline or the server isn't availble. So I was going to wrap the BeginInvoke in a try and catch.. however try BeginInvoke(callit)...
  12. jvcoach23

    datagrid question

    I am trying to populating a datagrid using a dataset. Problem is that this dataset is getting populated from another thread. once the dataset is populated.. i'm doing a raiseevent to send the dataset teh event handler. in the handler i do a datagrid1.datasource=ds. if I leave it at that...
  13. jvcoach23


    how do you update a column in a row in a datatable. This datatable is going to be populated orginally from a database, but after that all the updates to it won't be going back to the database, they are just goign to be used for display. So if i I have a datatable with the column names of Name...
  14. jvcoach23

    dataset question

    ok.. since i need the dataset to do an xmlwritescheme.. I guess I could do that once.. then after that just populate to a datatable... thanks again for you help shannon
  15. jvcoach23

    dataset question

    I think i am around that last issue... did it like you example where table(0) instead of table("Pics") can you explain why the 0 worked. that is the first table in the dataset correct.. but I had already named that table with the "Pics". why can't i referrence it to add the column...
  16. jvcoach23

    dataset question

    thanks for the replie. The book i'm using for my example is for use with Crystal Reports CR. It says to use the dataset so that I can do a writexmlscheme for crystal to use. The it says that you use the database within to store the data and the images. So another question I have.. if doing the...
  17. jvcoach23

    dataset question

    I have a dataset that I'm brining data into from a sql server. when i bring data into the dataset.. it creates a table in the dataset and that table has 1 column. What I want to do is add a column to that table, so that I can put an image in it from the file system. The column I'm bringing...