Search results for query: *

  1. M

    Question How to Add Items to a Checked List Box

    I fixed the problem. I was trying to add items to a form from a background worker. I added the statement to the report progress function of the background worker and it worked great!
  2. M

    Question How to Add Items to a Checked List Box

    Another note, all this code about downloading XML, parsing it, and adding items into a checked list box is done inside a background worker. I'm not sure if that will make a different.
  3. M

    Question How to Add Items to a Checked List Box

    I have a program that so far downloads an XML file, parses it, stores it in an ArrayList and then reads the ArrayList to add items to a Checked List Box, which is on a different form from where the ArrayLists are made and stored as public class variables. After I construct the ArrayLists I used...
  4. M

    Question [2008] Problem with Nested or Multidimensional Data Structures

    Hello, Right now I'm working on parsing an XML file and storing the data I need into some form of data structure to be used in by program. Here's my code: Imports System.ComponentModel Imports System.Xml Public Class getPackageDataForm Public defaultQueue As Queue(Of String())...
  5. M

    Question Using RunWorkerAsync in my download program

    Hello, Right now I'm writing a program that can download a file from the a URL provided in a text box. Here's my code so far. Imports System.IO Imports System.Net Public Class Download Delegate Sub updateProgressBarDelegate(ByVal percent As Integer) Private Sub...