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  1. P

    Calling other project from onclick event

    Thank you so much! P
  2. P

    Calling other project from onclick event

    Thanks a lot. The problem now is that I can't get this to work both ways (I get circular references). I have a solution called AccessingMethodsBetweenProjects. In this solution I have two projects: AccessingMethodsBetweenProjects (unfortunately, but anyway this is where the form and graphics...
  3. P

    Calling other project from onclick event

    Hi all, I have a question regarding VB.Net and Object-oriented programming. I have a solution consisting of two projects. One project is dedicated to the logic of the application, and one is only to show the Winforms form, and to reflect changes made in the logics project. In other words...
  4. P

    Install VS 2008 or VS 2010 RC

    Hi, (I asked a question similar to this one at, but I post it here as I also do winforms - VB.NET - development and there might be different issues involved here...) I have just reinstalled everything on my computer, that is, evereything exept for Visual Studio plus Sql Server ...
  5. P

    datagridviewcell in editmode

    Hi again, For testing purposes I created a new project, with a single form and a dgv in it, with some columns added to it, and the rest left as per default. This is the code I added in the VB file: Public Class Form1 Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As...
  6. P

    datagridviewcell in editmode

    Hi, Thanks for replying. Yes, it does (at least this gives True): Dim ghasjd As Boolean = dgvMYDGV.BeginEdit(True) MsgBox(ghasjd) This is the last thing that happens in the code. The correct cell looks to be in editmode, that is, the rest of the row is blue (selected color) but the cell...
  7. P

    datagridviewcell in editmode

    Hi all, I'm having trouble with setting a datagridview's cell in edit mode, or rather, to let the user type some input on load of a form (as in Excel or the like). This is my code (after the dgv has been filled): dgvTentander.EditMode = DataGridViewEditMode.EditProgrammatically '(or...
  8. P

    Panel offset index property

    Hi, I found it at last, not online but in Visual Studio. In case anyone needs it, here's how (verticalscroll of the control you're interested in): Dim Musposition As Point Musposition = pSalar.PointToClient(Cursor.Position) Musposition.Y += pSalar.VerticalScroll.Value Thanks again, Pettrer
  9. P

    Panel offset index property

    Hello John, Thanks for your reply. I understand this also, but the code involved holds two thousand (badly converted VB code) lines, and the only problem I have now is the y offset, so I'd really like a solution with the offset property (if such a property exists)... Do you know if there is...
  10. P

    Panel offset index property

    Hello, Thanks for answering. Actually, what I'm doing is mimicing a dgv, using a panel as a container. I fill this container with labels that are created dynamically, from data in a parent array and data in the parent array's child arrays. The reason for doing this is that the dgv doesn't allow...
  11. P

    Panel offset index property

    Hi, I use drag'n'drop from a datagridview to a panel. The panel holds an array of objects (think rows) so that the items from the datagridview can be dragged to the different objects. I use the y-index from the top of the panel to define what object the item is dragged onto. This works great...
  12. P

    Get control at cursor position

    Hi, I'm trying to access a panel at the mouse position, like this: Private Sub pSalar_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MouseEventArgs) Handles pSalar.MouseDown My problem is that this panel is the parent of labels, and when I click somewhere on the panel, I can't get it to...
  13. P

    Name of control at cursor position

    Hi, Thanks, I'd better go on doing my homework then... Pettrer :-)
  14. P

    Name of control at cursor position

    Hello again, Unfortunately, it doesn't seem as if this works as I expected. The label doesn't trigger the dragdrop, only the parent control (the panel) does. So how do I retrieve the ID or name of the label itself? I understnad that VB.Net can't possibly know what control of the two (parent or...
  15. P

    Name of control at cursor position

    Hi, Thanks for your help - very clever! Just in case someone reads this thread in the future: The labels I created on the fly reside in a panel, not in another label. To the best of my knowledge, labels cannot hold other labels. Thanks again! Pettrer
  16. P

    Name of control at cursor position

    Hi all, A quick question: How do I get the name of the (topmost?) control at the cursor position? The background: I implemented drag'n'drop from a dgv to a label and need to identify the control where the mouse button is released. I have enabled dropping on the label where the drop is going...
  17. P

    Wait cursor automatically

    Hi John, Thanks for the link. It explains why the first recommednded solution didn't work, and it will also help me out in case I ever run into problems with the solution I provided above. Best regards, Pettrer
  18. P

    Wait cursor automatically

    Hello, Thanks but it didn't work out for me (no hourglass was ever visible). I searched the net though using the statement you wrote and realised that more people had this problem. Finally I came up with this solution: 1. Create a new class in the Solution Explorer. 2. Paste this code...
  19. P

    Wait cursor automatically

    Hi all, I'm developing a big VB.Net Winforms application. Every now and again, processing or db connections take some time and therefore I'd like a wait cursor (hourglass) to appear sometimes. I know I can do it like in this thread (in case someone needs the code): Hourglass?? - technical...
  20. P

    Catch click to close form

    Never mind, I solved it (I had some code in another place that messed with the first one...) /Pettrer