Search results for query: *

  1. kkemerait

    question: which statement has NO effect

    Brainbench, Prove IT and others .. are useless Design Lunacy: BrainBench, Prove IT, et. al.
  2. kkemerait

    Students in dire need of help on Project

    Help? Do you still need help or is it too late ?
  3. kkemerait

    Question VS2008 Pro with MSDN

    Upgrade Yes, the SP1 update to Visual Studio will also update the MSDN library at the same time. The seperate package, I would assume only updates MSDN to SP1, but I can't really come up with a good scenario where it might be needed.
  4. kkemerait

    Configuration best practice?

    I will be deploying a windows forms based application from a network share which needs to have several things setup before being able to function ... namely Active Directory information, database location and the administrative group name (AD). What is the best way to do this, so that each...
  5. kkemerait

    conversion C# VB.Net

    Enjoy Dim nav As XPathNavigator = DirectCast(doc, IXPathNavigable).CreateNavigator() BTW for future ref, there are several decent websites where you can plug in your c# or VB code and it will attempt a translation for you . Not always perfect, but it usually helps. Convert C# to VB.NET - A...
  6. kkemerait

    Linq over entities DataGridView - no Display

    The Problem was.... Queue implements iQueue which inherits from iChildren. If the property is declared in iChildren and the object is typed as iQueue in the collection bound to the grid, the grid doesn't see the property even though it is accessible if you simply retrieve an instance of the...
  7. kkemerait

    Linq over entities DataGridView - no Display

    They do indeed :) yes class instances .... they have public properties ... here's a sample of the one one in question (btw it works fine when bound to a combobox) Friend Class Queue Implements VTW.Emprise.Interface.iQueue Private mID As Guid Private TicketManager As Manager(Of...
  8. kkemerait

    Linq over entities DataGridView - no Display

    Using a Linq statement to select objects from a custom collection Private Items As New Generic.List(Of T). The funtion is as follows... Public Function AllChildren() As Generic.IEnumerable(Of T) Dim Query = From Child As T In Items Select Child Return Query.ToList End...
  9. kkemerait

    Identifying Generic Types

    wow ok, I need to go out and mow the grass or something ... not a good day for programming ... I tried everything in the universe but ... the simple solution never occured to me ... feelin kinda foolish now ... thanks for the assist!! :)
  10. kkemerait

    Identifying Generic Types

    Is there an alternative way to identify within a generic method the type that was passed in (of T) without having to create a bogus object and check typename? Public Shared Function Create(Of T)() As iManager(Of T) Dim BogusVar as T -- don't want to do it this way if possible to avoid...