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  1. newguy

    Help with advanced paint application

    I am not sure what you mean. Do you mean make lines an store them so you can remove them later? I find it better to make a line class object that I store in a Generics List this way i can add/remove as needed. The line class will store the points for you. Plus you have to have a list of things...
  2. newguy

    Question Binding combobox to generic list

    You can bind the List itself to the datasource. Dim inv_cat As New Inventory.Categories(myconn) cboCategory.DataSource = inv_cat.Description
  3. newguy

    Move custom controls

    When I draw a lot of graphics on controls I get the flickering effect, but if I draw these to a picturebox I do not. I am also not setting any graphics object to it's backgroundImage, just drawing them.
  4. newguy

    Question timer tick problem

    My oversight, was looking for i += 1, so you have debugged line for line to see what is happening? I would guess you need to change timer.Start to timer.Enabled = true.
  5. newguy

    Question Base Class Collection with Sub Class objects

    Use Type.GetType(EventBase) not Type.GetType("EventBase") - where EventBase is the name of the base class you are using.
  6. newguy

    Question timer tick problem

    Are you sure the i variable is being set to 3, 4, 5? I don't see where you incrementing it.
  7. newguy

    Move custom controls

    When I set my panel's background image I don't get the flickering, but if I draw the image I do. Can we see more of your code?
  8. newguy

    Move custom controls

    Have you tried to invalidate just the usercontrol's region? In the mousemove you would make a new rectangle - that of the usercontrol's region, then inflate by 1, then call Invalidate(<thisNewRectangle>).
  9. newguy

    Resolved TextBox Transparent

    If you use GDI+ and draw the border and a small rectangle(caret) you can use a timer to make a caret-rectangle show or hide following the the last letter - using e.Graphics.MeasureString method to place this small rectangle. Just a thought.
  10. newguy

    Need advice on how to go about coding a timeline

    I would consider a RichTextBox it has great zooming, and can hold a lot of data. For scrolling the object left just place all of them in a panel with no borders and backcolor set to transparent - then at the end of the timeline start a timer that with each tick event moves the panel's left...
  11. newguy

    refer to object via string?

    For i As Integer = 1 To 50 CType(Me.Controls("testlabel" & i.ToString(), Label).Text = "something" Next
  12. newguy

    Stream Reader and Stream Writer.

    I totally understand - been there done that, wore out the t-shirt. After I switched life has been so much easier and don't regret the work at all. As to your question if the variable is a string (and one would think so): MessageBox.Show(Firstname)
  13. newguy

    Question Clock

    Since were needing accuracy I recommend the System.Timers.Timer. The Windows.Forms.Timer can easily get bogged down and be inaccurate. You will be using the Elapsed event which comes from a separate thread so you will need a delegate or just set the Timer.SynchronizingObject = Me.
  14. newguy

    Stream Reader and Stream Writer. is where I started, here is another good one VB.NET XML Tutorial.
  15. newguy

    Stream Reader and Stream Writer.

    I think an xml file would do you more justice. You can make new element sections with each new user and when saving you only change the specific user's elements. I know there is learning here, but in the long run much easier.
  16. newguy

    undo button?

    combobox1.SelectedIndex = -1 When your typing in the editor intellisence will show you the available properties to controls, and there is a useful notation as to what is does.
  17. newguy

    undo button?

    For a better experience later; name things something useful - btnUndo, cbCity, etc... If you mean when you select an item from a combobox you want it to go back to empty then set it's selected index to -1. Items in controls like these are 0 based so 0 is the first and -1 is none selected.
  18. newguy

    undo button?

    Nope, try again. Add things like; here is the code I have so far, I am using a <blank> to store stuff, these are my errors (if any), etc...
  19. newguy

    undo button?

    Do you actually think there is enough info there to even get a response? Besides this one =)
  20. newguy

    Formatting 2 decimal places?

    When concatenating strings use the & operator not the + (addition) operator. Pweight.ToString("0.00")