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  1. JaedenRuiner

    Registering Custom Tool for File Generation

    HOnestly, I have no idea. I posted this a long time ago, and have pretty much reverted to using the MSDN forums. I don't normally get answers to my more complicated questions here (save for the critics telling me how to think like them instead of helping me resolve my issue). I vaguely...
  2. JaedenRuiner

    Multi Table Editing with Constraints

    Well, I'm back, and though I've gotten quite far with the handling of Datasets and the like, the majority of the time I find my self writing my own handlers for such things as opposed to working the way .Net wants me to. *chuckle* yes, i have control issues. Anyway, so i've got a very basic...
  3. JaedenRuiner

    Registering Custom Tool for File Generation

    Well, I seriously have reviewed as many examples as possible for the installation of a Custom File Generator into the Visual Basic environment and thus far, I have not been able to get it to work. At the moment, my generator doesn't really do anything...Debugging and learning, you see...
  4. JaedenRuiner

    Registry Hives...Parsing?

    Is Regex better in someway, like faster or something? I can see in this case how it is cleaner, easier to read and more efficient, but i sort of remember having heard regex is a memory or processor hog...I could be mistaken, *shrug*
  5. JaedenRuiner

    Registry Hives...Parsing?

    Thanks for pointing that out, but actually it isn't precisely what I wanted and I still have to do more. Frankly, I find Microsoft's division of Private and Friend classes most disheartening, since utilizing the reflector app, i've found quite a few things that are perfect for what i want, but...
  6. JaedenRuiner

    Registry Hives...Parsing?

    Just wondering, in case it already exists somewhere but built into the .Net framework we have: Microsoft.Win32.Registry Class Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey Class Microsoft.Win32.RegistryHive Enumeration As well as the. My.Computer.Registry .CurrentUser .LocalMachine Etcetera. Now, If I...
  7. JaedenRuiner

    Project Template Awareness for Auto-Generated Code?

    Well, In the process of changing some things and developing others, I am curious about the nature of the Code Generator. Simply put: How does the Code Generator know which template was used for the creation of the Project? Example: I create a full Project Template that modifies come of the...
  8. JaedenRuiner

    My Settings Save Issues

    Well, I'm placing this here because well, every time I place something in the General it gets moved, so I'm trying to guess which category this fits into. It is sort of deployment, but my problem isn't on the the deploying side but the generate My.Settings stuff, but regardless this is the...
  9. JaedenRuiner

    Retrieving Assembly Info "GUID" at Run Time

    I have the need to retrieve the GUID that is listed in the "Assembly Info" page of the Project Properties. How can I get this data at run-time? Thanks (I've looked in the My.Application.Info, but it isn't in there that I can see)
  10. JaedenRuiner

    General Question, Compiler Intelligence

    Well, okay, yea, i guess i could investigate that way. I'm just more or less looking at the prospect of trying to create a repository of source code that once written may be accessed by multiple projects without having to include an Assembly DLL with it. I'm guessing that C# still allows...
  11. JaedenRuiner

    General Question, Compiler Intelligence

    Given the nature of Assemblies versus "units" or "include files" I am wondering about the intelligence, or better yet the design of the VB.Net compiler. Given the situation of Pascal or C++, for instance, I can have a repository C:\Source\Include which contains all my .h/.cpp or .pas files...
  12. JaedenRuiner

    FileVersion Information...

    That's what i've been going on myself, just curious. thanks
  13. JaedenRuiner

    FileVersion Information...

    Is there any way to instill file version information to files other than executables or dll's? Or perhaps a simplistic way to access the Summary Information that is visible through Windows explorer. Reason: Version control of help (chm) files and other data files that are included with the...
  14. JaedenRuiner

    Strong Name Interpretation

    Okay, but it isn't being installed with ClickOnce. This is just the natural setup for the My.Settings User.Config file. Is there a way that I can control that location in the my.settings object? Thanks
  15. JaedenRuiner

    Strong Name Interpretation

    Well, When you use the sn.exe tool it creates an SNK file, which you can use for a strong name key file of an assembly. By using the SNK file you can also have that strong name key file built into a ILMerged assembly executable, should it be prudent to do so. Now, for the process of...
  16. JaedenRuiner

    My.Resources and Threading..

    Yup. Every time i do I get a threadInvoke Exception thing. And when I try to view the resource via the watch window, while stepping through bgw.ProgressChanged it lists it as an exception in the watch window.
  17. JaedenRuiner

    My.Resources and Threading..

    Well, it appears that the initial source of all my issues was here: Private Sub _cmd_Progress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As FlufLib.ProgressEventArgs) _ Handles _cmd.Progress WorkThread.ReportProgress(e.Percent, sender) End Sub accessing the same object across thread...
  18. JaedenRuiner

    My.Resources and Threading..

    Well, I'll do my best. I mean I am dealing with several thousand lines of code here, and buried in the middle is the crux of the problem. Basically, I have designed a Command structure Public MustInherit Class FlufCommand public mustoverride Function Execute(Optional Arg as Object =...
  19. JaedenRuiner

    My.Resources and Threading..

    How can I make the My.Resources module thread static? They are all constants, never going to be changed, and frankly they can't be changed. all my resource strings are Readonly Properties, but for some reason (and I'm sure there is one) I cannot access my.Resources from within a worker thread...
  20. JaedenRuiner

    Just an idle Comment...isn't MS annoying sometimes?

    I dunno what it is, but perhaps i feel the urge to develop as many things in such a wide range for others to use. Sure there are occasional times where a Friend or Private class/structure is necessary, even useful, but the sheer volume of such classes that exist in the .Net framework is...