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  1. S

    Inherited User Controls

    I can't include code, but I can explain the class hierarchy and where the problems occurs: From System.Windows.Forms.UserControl I inherit 'BaseInputControl'. From BaseInputControl, I inherit 'NumberInput' and 'StateInput' The problem occurs when attempting to override the 'Click'...
  2. S

    Inherited User Controls

    No can do After much experimentation and reading, I found that it isn't possible to do what I want to do. Unfortunately, the events cannot be redefined as Public in the inherited class. All the events would need to be coded in the class that is inherited from the framework...
  3. S

    Adding to a Combo Box

    Your nested For loop is set up to run from 1 to List.Items.Count, but the list is zero-based, so when the loop runs for the count(th) time, there is no element to examine. Try changing the loop counter to run from 0 to (count-1).
  4. S

    Inherited User Controls

    I am currently coding a windows forms application that makes extensive use of User controls. In an effort to re-use as much code as possible, most of the controls are inherited from more general base classes that I also coded. The problem is this: When I attempt to close the code window for...