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    Windows Service w/ Notify Icon. HELP!

    k i'm thinking now that the best way is just to recompile the module as part of the windows.forms rather than it's own windows service. i think that may be an easier path to allow the communication between the module and the log window. any info on running a module from a form that i may need to...

    Windows Service w/ Notify Icon. HELP!

    [LogWindow.vb] Imports System.Drawing Imports System.Windows.Forms PublicClass LogWindow PublicSubNew() ' This call is required by the Windows Form Designer. InitializeComponent() ' Change the text of the form Me.Text = "Log Window" Dim applicationContext As LogWindowContext = New...

    Windows Service w/ Notify Icon. HELP!

    ok, i just happened to come across an article that explains that a windows service does not interact with the desktop, therefore, no ability to add a notify icon. (yes i realize that there may be still a way, but not worth it from what i read) SO! I've come to the conclusion that i need to...

    Windows Service w/ Notify Icon. HELP!

    ok, start again... (2nd time writing this out cause the 1st time the site just cleared it out on me) Anyway, I have a windows service app (more like an application with no form than an actual service) that i would like to add in the ability to have a notify icon with a context menu in the...

    RegEx mysterious issue

    thanks for the explaination

    RegEx mysterious issue

    ok, just for understanding... i'm fairly new to the more sophisticated regex expressions... but what would've caused it to loop indefinitely? i thought that the expression just ran through the data once looking for a match and that was it. -Jeff

    RegEx mysterious issue

    'Gathers the data _data = Data 'Crop off the unneeded html version of the email a = Regex.Split(_data, "Content-Type: text/html;") _data = a(0) 'Replace all random hex values _data = Regex.Replace(_data, "=20", "") _data =...

    RegEx mysterious issue

    i'm running a RegEx Match for this pattern: "((=?3D=?){21,}[\r\n]{1,2}){3}[\r\n]{1,2}" The mysterious issue is that it locks the application (seemingly). The cpu spikes at 50% and never drops and the application does not continue. Any help as to why would greatly help. The match is for the...