Search results for query: *

  1. A

    Using a databound dropdown within datagrid

    Basically what you need to do is provide a handler for the selected index change of the dropdownlist. There is more than one way of doing this, for example in the itemdatabound event of the datagrid you can register a handler and set the autopostback to true. Another, I find easier way is: Add...
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    Display table of values

    That sounds like a viable option too. Then bind it into a two column grid.
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    message box for a picklist

    You need to emit the Show code in javascript. Then based on the Ok/Cancel you need to take different actions. See if this would be of any help (it only shows a message box): or this from microsoft...
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    Threading issues impersonate

    See if this would be in any help:
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    Combobox relies on previous combobox

    Sorry, I meant cboCompanyKey.ValueMember = "CompanyKey" in the form load
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    Combobox relies on previous combobox

    try this: cboPlanKey.ValueMember = "PlanKey" In the form load event where you assign the DisplayMember
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    Combobox relies on previous combobox

    Is the value from the combobox which you are assinging to the parameter empty or Nothing?
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    Combobox relies on previous combobox

    Why dont you try debugging it? Is the selected combobox value length > 5 characters? Or is it empty? Try hard coding a value and see if this works
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    Combobox relies on previous combobox

    I think you are missing this: companySQLParam.Value = cboCompanyKey.SelectedValue or SelectedText or whatever is selected.
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    Passing html into a database field

    Hahaha, Nevermind, I did not read your reply. My bad
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    Display table of values

    If myData is a datatable then check for something like myData.Rows.Count. To transpose the grid, you could display the data in 4 labels/textboxes. Is it editable?
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    Passing html into a database field

    You can also use Server.HtmlEncode and Server.HtmlDecode to store the values. This way any harmful characters will be encoded as you have often seen in the url links.
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    Combobox relies on previous combobox

    Could you post some code?
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    What exactly do you mean grouping in reports?
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    How do I get the Windows account name (common name) using Windows Authentication?

    You are correct. Searching the Registry came to mind. I found myself in: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\User Location Service\Client however, I cannot guarantee that is always the case. Not sure if you can do it without going to LDAP/Active Dir.
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    How do I get the Windows account name (common name) using Windows Authentication?

    In 2005: My.User.Name In 2003: Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name Is this what you wanted?
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    authenticate against AD

    it is New String(), the reply got concatenated.
  18. A

    move to next textbox

    Handle the one of the OnKey[Press] event of the textbox passing the limit and the textbox id of the next one.
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    Connection to DB

    Are you storing your connection information in the Web.config or an App.config file? If not then you should do so and then update those files.