Search results for query: *

  1. K

    Filling A Combo Box From A Database

    This did not seem to work. I was also looking into another thread on the forums here. It showed the code he used to fill a combo box. I tried that as well and it did not work. I am using pretty much the same code i have used to fill a data grid and it just does not seem to be working. Here is...
  2. K

    Filling A Combo Box From A Database

    I am having problems filling the combo box. Here is the code I have: Dim conn = New Microsoft.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection("DSN=MAC") Dim ds As New Data.DataSet("Test2") Dim dc As New Microsoft.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand() Dim da As New Microsoft.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataAdapter() conn.Open()...
  3. K

    A little help using a DSN

    Thank You. That took care of it.. I appreciate the help.
  4. K

    A little help using a DSN

    I am very new to using ODBC. Actually I'm pretty new to VB in general. I have done many of the basics but have never used data access. I have created a DSN named MAC to connect to my database here at work. It connects fine. I do now know how to use that connection in a VB project. I have added...