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  1. S

    vb vs c xoring

    Thank you for that "little" clue. I have not been aware of the bitconverter class and that seems to be exactly what I needed. The process of converting all entities to BYTE and then xor'ing seems to yield the same results as executing the C program. Again, thanks for your help.
  2. S

    vb vs c xoring

    Thanks for the reply. This still has the issue of 'xor not defined for types Integer and char' for (passnum Xor pwstr(j)) This is where I get confused concerning the bit configuration if I convert the int to a char or the char to an int.
  3. S

    vb vs c xoring

    I need to convert the following C code to VB such that the resulting bit configurations are identical. Note that I cannot alter the variable types. Being relatively new to VB I am a little confused concerning XOR'in VB ints with chars. Any advice is greatly appreciated. char *somefunc(...