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  1. S

    Form Resize

    I am trying to make a customized UI for a borderless form using user controls and I was wondering how I would set the form to resize. I am trying to base it off the same little grab bar in the bottom right corner of the form as microsoft. I am currently trying to do this with the events for a...
  2. S

    Mouse Position

    Thanks thats working
  3. S

    Mouse Position

    I'm trying to have a label appear when I mouse over a button (I have this working) but I want the location to be 5 pixels down and 5 to the right from the current position of the mouse. I was messing with Cursor.Position but that added the x and y to were the mouse was. My code...
  4. S

    picturebox set picture

    Thanks it works without the file ext. And Thanks to everyone that posted :cool:
  5. S

    picturebox set picture

    I put the images into the resource tab and called the images using PictureBox1.Image = My.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject("blue.JPG") and it does not display an error or an image. Any ideas?
  6. S

    picturebox set picture

    I put this in and it wont work. PictureBox1.Image = My.Resources("blue.jpg") it says "App1.My.Resources' is a namespace and cannot be used as an expression. Any ideas on how to fix that? Thanks for the help
  7. S

    picturebox set picture

    ok I figured out from that code i can direct path the file but can i do it through the folder in the project "Resources" instead of direct path?
  8. S

    picturebox set picture

    the picture is coming from the project. I added the picture file to the project through Add Existing Item. What I am trying to do is swap images when a radio button is clicked (more than one radio button and image).
  9. S

    picturebox set picture

    This is a pretty basic question but how do you define a pictureboxes picture in code?