Search results for query: *

  1. C

    Custom installer

    Thanks for the suggestion. I've tried adding an installation project to my current project. I now have an option to add the primary output, which I have done without adding any other files. I have built the setup project. When I run it I get a folder in the Program Files on my target computer...
  2. C

    Custom installer

    I've tried both ways. The two projects were initially in two seperate solutions, but I have also added my setup project to my solution containing my forms project. One of the things that really confuses me is that many of the tutorials/walk throughs I have found refer to adding the executable...
  3. C

    Custom installer

    Folks, I know this will be a very basic question and for that I'm sorry, but my research is teking me in circles and not really answering my questions. I have a Windows Forms Project which is ready for deployment. I can publish it and it installs and runs. I'd like it to install in it's own...
  4. C

    Closing openFileDialog

    Hi John, I resolved this issue after yet more research. In my MainControl class, in which I have routines raising events, I had the line Public Event reportProgress as ProgressBarHandler I changed it to the following and everything worked as expected Shared Event reportProgress as...
  5. C

    Closing openFileDialog

    Thanks for your response John. I've taken you advice and used a background worker to handle the prosessing in the background. I had a little trouble having the background pass messages back to UI. I've spent the past two days researching the problem (hence the delay in replying) and...
  6. C

    Closing openFileDialog

    I have a form on which the user selects a file using an openFileDialog. The selected filepath is then processed, which may take 10-20 seconds before the user is presented with the results. I'm finding that the once the user selects the file (clicking the OK button on the openFileDialog), the...
  7. C

    DataRepeater NewItem & DrawItem Advice

    Hi, I have a dataRepeater which is populated by an dataList of objects and using .AddNew to add them to the datarepeater. The objects can on one of two types (A or B). I'm trying to display a picture in the repeater depending on the type of object. I'm finding that at NewItem, I can determine...
  8. C

    DataRepeater addNew Causes DrawtItem to Execute Twice

    Hi, I'm using a dataRepeater which is unbound to a list of Objects ( as I need to have two types of object in the dataRepeater). I'm using the following code to populate my dataRepeater Private Sub loadDeviceDetails(ByVal owner As Mi2.MiOwner) ............ Dim listDevices As New List(Of...
  9. C

    VB Form Equivalent to Nested Repeaters

    It's a little more complicated than that. The original data was read from a spreadsheet into a sql server database. In the original spreadsheets different rows have values in varying columns, in that in one row a particular column may have a value, but on another row that column may be empty...
  10. C

    VB Form Equivalent to Nested Repeaters

    Hi All, this is my first post so please go easy on me! I'm trying to convert an website to a application. It's my first go with so please try and make any responses as simple as possible. On my website I have a page that uses nested repeaters. The data source is a dataset...