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  1. D

    Appointment Calendar for a month on one form

    So here is my test code, but text disappears instantly for some reason? Private Sub DataGridView1_CellPainting(sender As Object, e As DataGridViewCellPaintingEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.CellPainting If e.RowIndex >= 0 AndAlso e.ColumnIndex >= 0 Then...
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    Appointment Calendar for a month on one form

    So I first need to disable any cell content I was adding! Then I somehow need to set the cell paintintg e.Value to the string content I wish to display. So I need to pick up the string from with cellpainting method ! And then do it through cell paint using the Graphic pen!
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    Appointment Calendar for a month on one form

    Your right no control required, just a string of text nad using the graphic pen to color thetext. I have looked at a few examples but not that clear yet. Will do some testing tomorrow. Does every cell call cellpaint?
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    Appointment Calendar for a month on one form

    Yes, that what I want to do, may need a bit of help tho. My first step now is to put together say 4 strings with CR/LF at the end, with each line with a different cokour background into some type of object? Can this be done in a textbox or listboax perhaps? and then add that object to the...
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    Appointment Calendar for a month on one form

    Having trouble adding CR/LF to text in cells I have added DataGridView1.DefaultCellStyle.WrapMode = DataGridViewTriState.True But that allows to display CR/LF but also wraps the text , Id prefer not to warp the text if possible, any ideas?
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    Appointment Calendar for a month on one form

    So here is my draft monthly calendar using a datagridivew , I still have to add more appointment data to the appt time which is easy enough, but I'd like to color code the appointment lines? Any idea how it might be done?
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    Appointment Calendar for a month on one form

    I don't really want to go down a blind alley, so hoping someone might have tried it and decided the best way to go! I'm thinking now that I will use a datagridview with large cells there is a cell for each day of the month and I need a way to show the appointments for that day as a single line...
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    Appointment Calendar for a month on one form

    Hi, I am trying to design a monthly calendar to be shown on a form at once. I can do a week using a datagridview, showing each appointment by time and day of the week, but with 31 days it seems difficult to decide which way I should do it. Do I add 31 datagridviews to a single form, that may...
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    Draw lines around a group of cells in column in a datagridivew

    Hi, That look brilliant, I look forward to trying it out soon. kind regards
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    Draw lines around a group of cells in column in a datagridivew

    Hi, Im using VS 2013. I have a datagridview which represents a diary with times from 9:00am increasing every 15 minutes down the left most column. Each other column represents a day of the week Mon to Fri. I want to group a number of cells together in each column with a box around them to...
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    Referencing an instance of a Form object

    OK, so lets assume we have 2 forms and a Client classes and an instance of each frmClient, frmDialog and objClient. I want frmDialog to call a public method in object frmClient so class FrmDialog has to have a data member of type FrmClient Public Class FrmDialog ... Public frmClient As New...
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    Referencing an instance of a Form object

    Great explanation, now an example of a from passing a ref to itself into another would be nice too...
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    Referencing an instance of a Form object

    Hi Folks, Here is an issue im not getting my head around, a simple scenario I have 3 classes 2 are forms and 1 patient class. FrmClients, FrmDialog Patient class I create an instance of FrmClients called frmClient and during its operation a user click on a button to open an instance of...
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    To Bind or not to Bind

    If so, then why can I go to the properties of a textbox click on the binding property, choose a connection string (or create a new one), and link it to a column on a table? With no data table created (by me)! kind regards
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    To Bind or not to Bind

    Hi, Thanks for you reply. What I asking about tho, it binding using the properties of each Form control to a specific column in a table (the was MS Access does it), IT has the connection string built into it so there no maintenance. Is binding a good idea, is it more efficient than storing...
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    To Bind or not to Bind

    Just a small subset 5 cokumns.
  17. D

    To Bind or not to Bind

    Hi, Im looking for opinions here rather than actual code. I am designing an office application to show a clients details, there a number of ways to implement this, I first present a list of clients and the user chooses the particular client and then I show all the clients details about 20 data...
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    Get A Report Viewer to Show different reports

    Hi, I having been using VS 2013 for a few months now and decided I would try and get a Report Viewer on a Form to show different reports. I use a Form for the user to choose the report and then on launching the Report Viewer I change the details to show that specific report. There's a few...
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    Question Key Down not working in Datagridview

    HI JohnH, Thank you so much for your posting, your answer was sublime! Brillaint, Here is my finished code below and it work a treat! including giving the user a visual count down.... Private Sub DataGridView1_EditingControlShowing(sender As System.Object, e As...
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    Question Key Down not working in Datagridview

    Jimmy, I thought this site was about providing support to vb users, not referring them onto other sites to find the answers. While I appreciate it must be extremely frustrating when a member doesn't see things as clearly as you do, but sarcasm doesn't help, it only provides momentary relief...