Search results for query: *

  1. J

    passing several textbox.text between forms

    I have textboxes in my second form one for each of the passed values.
  2. J

    passing several textbox.text between forms

    I use the code Dim Selvk As New Selvkost2 Selvk.PassedText = TextBox29.Text Selvk.Show() in mainform and the code Private _passedText As String Public Property [PassedText]() As String Get Return _passedText End Get Set(ByVal...
  3. J

    Problem with scrolling

    I use the binding navigator in my application, but when the resolution of the display gets to small and I have to use the scrollbars, then I get a problem. The scrollbars automatically scrolls down below the navigator bar instead of showing it when the window loads. I figured it out using...
  4. J

    Include files in project

    Than U so much, at last it works;-)
  5. J

    Include files in project

    ...Dim arrFilesInFolder() As IO.FileInfo Dim fileInFolder As IO.FileInfo arrFilesInFolder = folderInfo.GetFiles("*.pdf") For Each fileInFolder In arrFilesInFolder ListBox1.Items.Add(fileInFolder.Name) Next End Sub When I build the...
  6. J

    path inside project

    I am not shure I understand your code right but if I change the Temp_PDF with the right filename it will then save that file to the right location when I install my program? Or is there another way to include th files?
  7. J

    path inside project

    Ok Now I fixed that as well, but somhow the problems does not seem to stop coming. The files I embedded and uses when I build my project does not "follow" when I publish my project, why is that? What am I missing here?
  8. J

    path inside project

    I now have listed the files in the listbox, I figured it out. But now I got another problem. I am now trying to open a file, I use a button and in the buttonClick event I put the code: Dim myPdfFile As String = ListBox1.SelectedItem Me.AxAcroPDF1.src = myPdfFile I have checked the...
  9. J

    path inside project

    Ok, my thought was to add som pdf files to my project as embedded files, then list them up in a listbox at runtime, I have added 1 file at the moment, and set the property to embedded resource and do not copy in the field Copy to Output Directory. But when I added the path that was listet over...
  10. J

    path inside project

    I have a directory listbox, I try to set the path to a directory inside the project. how do I do that?
  11. J

    multiple rows in add row

    I solved it by putting: Dim newOrdreRow As DataRow = Kalkyle1DataSet.Tables("Ordre").NewRow() into the iteration and Kalkyle1DataSet.AcceptChanges() right after.
  12. J

    multiple rows in add row

    ...Next For Each copyRows1 In copyRows dt.ImportRow(copyRows1) Next DataGridView1.DataSource = dt '********************************************************************* Dim conn = New SqlClient.SqlConnection conn = New...
  13. J

    Save/Update problem

    But I do not undrstand why that should happend. As you see in my code I select a row from table1 and put it into table 2, in table 2 I change the OrdreID for the row from 1 to max. and when I then select the row from table 2 and imports it into table 1 the OrdreID is max and not 1 as it was...
  14. J

    Save/Update problem

    ...copyRows dt.ImportRow(copyRows1) Next DataGridView1.DataSource = dt MsgBox("Forsøker å Endre data") '********************************************************************* Dim conn = New SqlClient.SqlConnection conn = New...
  15. J

    copy records

    I made this work adding a temp table, and using that to alter some of the columns. But when I am finnished running the insert methods I guess I need to run the update method to get the new data into the DB, because I can se the new data in my datagridviews but when I restart it is gone. But...
  16. J

    copy records

    I have now made some progress. Can someone please take a look at my code and tell me why it only imports the last row? Quote: Dim dtPros18 As DataTable Dim dtblPros18 As DataTable Dim i As Integer Dim ID As Integer Dim MaxID As Integer Dim myScalarQuery3 As String conn.Open() myScalarQuery3 =...
  17. J

    Copy or Save As

    I am sorry I do not understand what "psuedo example" means but to answer your first question, yes I have 10 rows in that table where OrdreID equal 1. in that table the forreign key is OrdreID. And where is the spelling mistakes you are refering to?
  18. J

    Copy or Save As

    I have now made some progress. Can someone please take a look at my code and tell me why it only imports the last row?
  19. J

    copy records

    I added a table to the code, Then I import the rows into the table, but I still don't understand how I can set the first columnvalues to "3". The code now look like this: As you understand I need to change the columns values in OrdreID to 3
  20. J

    copy records

    I tried it with this code: But I need to change the OrdreID in all rows to 3 before I import them, How do I do that?