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  • Users: Neal
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  1. Neal

    Retrieving list of Host Headers programmatically?

    Yeah, XML for Windows 2003, but I'm not sure of the permissions of a ASPNET user (IIS_WPG) to retrieve them. Would probably need admin priv's. The other thought would be WMI, but I haven't messed with that in .NET yet and not sure about permissions issues their either.
  2. Neal

    Retrieving list of Host Headers programmatically?

    I'd like to fill a drop down of all host headers bound to the current IIS web site. For example, if you go to, there may be other host headers/web sites associated with this very same one. Is it possible, in to retrieve the list of these host...
  3. Neal

    Recent Tab

    Please explain better what you are asking about
  4. Neal


    How can I catch the URL that was used to link to my web site? HTTP_REFERER doesn't work as that seems to only work on a Redirect. Say you go to google and find my product and click the link. How would I, from my site, capture the GOOGLE source/url of this?
  5. Neal

    Designing for Performance

    I am building a small application that started out as a small project and is now growing into quite an involved application. I put everything on one page (Default.aspx) and was just using the asp panel control to show/hide areas. Well, the viewstate grew quite large (datagrids in use as...
  6. Neal

    Request vs. ServerVariables, some same?

    Is there any difference between Request.QueryString and Request.ServerVariables("QUERY_STRING") Is there any difference in Request.Urlreferrer and Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER") I would like to get just the base URL, no page name or parameters (query string). For example...
  7. Neal

    Server Side Redirect to New Window?

    View the forums on their web site, they use it!!! It's fascinating! I absolutely love this web grid! It's clearly the best out there! I have just about all of them!
  8. Neal

    Cache lifetime

    I have the cache set with a file dependancy for my situation (one of them) but the other appears that it's going to be the lifetime of the application, hence a restart, worker process timeout, etc.
  9. Neal

    Looking for ADO.NET Blackbelt level...

    Hello, I've read several ADO.NET books such as Bill Vaughn's, Microsoft's ADO.NET Core Reference, etc. Most of the books are ADO.NET basics. I'm looking for how to really ring out ADO.NET and get the most out of it. Anyone have any expert level ADO.NET book recommendations?
  10. Neal

    Sorting a Listbox

    Thanks, but I'm not using a DS/DV, just reading files with Directory.GetFiles() and loading them to the Listbox
  11. Neal

    Sorting a Listbox

    I have a listbox that reads a few files in a web site folder. Any suggestions on how to sort the listitems by creation time? I need to research sorting/ routines I believe. If anyone has any code to share, that would save some time. Thanks!
  12. Neal

    Error send email?
  13. Neal

    Error send email?

    Looks like you need to set outbound authentication. Search this forum for SMTP Authentication, I saw the post with the .Fields properties to set.
  14. Neal

    Deconflicting applications

    Let's say I buy an application using VendorNoone.v1.DLL and install it to my web application. I then go buy another application, but it's using a newer version which is VendorNoone.v11.DLL. When running the web application, there is an error due to ambiguous.... How do you handle...
  15. Neal

    Cache lifetime

    I had to do IISRESET on the local machine to get it to reset each time! Strange! (XP Pro here)
  16. Neal

    Cache lifetime

    Okay, this one is almost funny! I am developing an application on my local system, I press the > to start the debugger and view the app, then close the browser to do more work. I have this code to cache a dataset: Dim ds As DataSet = Cache("directory") If Not ds Is Nothing Then...
  17. Neal

    Directory.GetFiles Filter

    Works like a champ! I'm wrapping up this app I'm working on, you'll see it in action soon as I'll be announcing it here and on the BV forums. I think you'll see the value of what's coming! :)
  18. Neal

    Directory.GetFiles Filter

    What is your suggested code change for this? I'm not following
  19. Neal

    Directory.GetFiles Filter

    Yes, I had to do a recursion system as I was missing a few folders. User error! :) I reverted it to the EndsWith, but I'll change it per your suggestion and give that a whirl! Thanks!
  20. Neal

    Directory.GetFiles Filter

    The only problem so far is .js is getting picked up because of .jsp is an extension. Need to ensure the entire extension is compared, not "part" of it.