Search results for query: *

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  1. S

    modified form doesnt present?

    [solved]modified form doesnt present? hi all, i have 2 forms, frmA and frmB. on frmA i have a button, contains code: dim frmB as new frmB I did this a while ago. today, i made some change to frmB, and then press the button on frmA at runtime, the frmB appeared as it was before...
  2. S

    'Value' is not a member of 'System Array'?????

    i got sample code for crystal report, here is the part of it: ' Objects used to set the parameters in the report Dim pvCollection As New CrystalDecisions.Shared.ParameterValues() Dim pdvCustomerName As New CrystalDecisions.Shared.ParameterDiscreteValue() ' Set the discreet value to the...
  3. S

    db login info problem

    in my report, i went to "Database Expert" --> "Project Data" --> "ADO.NET Dataset" and selected the one that is filled by this query: SELECT CYMUSER.UNAME, TEST.TNAME, RESULT.STARTTIME, RESULT.ENDTIME, RESULT.TOTALMARKS, RESULT.GRADE FROM CYMUSER INNER JOIN...
  4. S

    display record by retrieving parameter value in module

    in my report, i have user name, test name, start time, end time, full marks and grade. when user click on "report this test" after finishing a certain test, i want the report displays this record which contains current user, test and result details. my sql query is: SELECT CYMUSER.UNAME...
  5. S

    sql problem for my sqlcommand in VB.NET

    i have this sql in my sqlcommandUPDATE RESULTSET RESULT.TOTALMARKS = SUM(ATQ.MARKSGAINED)FROM ATQ INNER JOIN RESULT ON ATQ.RID = RESULT.RIDWHERE (RESULT.RID = @RID)it gave me error, says: the designer doesnot graphically support the Optional FROM...
  6. S

    problem inputing current time into MSSQL db

    [solved]problem inputing current time into MSSQL db I have 2 columns on a table, called "curDate" and "curTime", i want curDate contains the current date, and curTime contains the current time. I have these 2 lines of code that updates those 2 columns in my MSSQL db table.after execute the...
  7. S

    array and mssql db

    I use mssql db, i want to load a table into an array, i only need some of the columns, not all. Do i need couple of one dimensional arrays to hold these columns' data or a multidimensional array to hold em?To make myself more clear, i have a table QUESTIONS that contains columns: QID, QDETAILS...
  8. S

    show hint for listbox?

    Is it possible to realize this: when mouse moves over and stays on a record within a listbox, hints shows up (contains the full text of the record)
  9. S

    retrieve first row and display the second column in a textbox

    [solved]retrieve first row and display the second column in a textbox is it possible to write a query in sqlcommand that retrieves the second column (e.g. CNAME) of the first record of a sql database? plz help
  10. S

    enable scrolling in a listbox with databinding

    i have a listbox that has databinding, some displayed db records are too long to be fully displayed in the listbox, can any one help on making it scrollable to display full length of the record?
  11. S

    invisible = lose all text?

    invisible = lose all value? i have a lable "lblAAA", which holds a value AAA: lblAAA.text = AAAonce i set its visible= false, and trying to get its pre-set value, e.g.msgbox(lblAAA.text)it gave a NULL value.Is it a bug or I did something wrong? Visible = false should mean it is invisible only...
  12. S

    "project" -> "add windows form" -> "data form wizard"question

    "project" -> "add windows form" -> "data form wizard"question in the the programing environment, we can go "project"->"add windows form" to create a "data form wizard", which uses ole stuff. is there any plug-in or 3rd party components that allows "data form wizard" using sql stuff?
  13. S

    hide or close?

    [solved]hide or close? when i finish editing in a frm at runtime, i want it disappear, e.g. when i finish adding a new customer, i want customer form disppear, which doesnt effect any other forms. Should i call "me.hide" or "me.close"? whats the difference? if i use "me.hide", next time when i...
  14. S

    update changes to database?

    I have MSSQL table called "category";, contains CID(pk),CNAME(unique identifier), SHORTDESC.on my form, i have txtname.text (databinded with the CNAME column) and txtshortdesc.test (binded with the SHORTDESC column). when i make some change, i have a button "modify"; to update the change to the...
  15. S

    populate columns in MSSQL table into Treeview

    [solved]populate columns in MSSQL table into Treeview I have MSSQL tables "category" and "test", on category table, i have column "CID", "CName", on test table, i have column "TID", "TName" and "CID" (fk, refer to CID in category table). now I want to populate the category name and test names...
  16. S

    combobox and db?

    on my frmAddTests, i have a combobox "category" which displays the name of category (the displayMember is "category name", the valueMember is "category ID". I have this line of code to add a value into a column "categoryID" to the table "tests" when adding a new test...
  17. S

    display total number of records in a label

    [solved]display total number of records in a label In SQL I can do: SELECT COUNT(*) AS Expr1 FROM TEST to get total number of records, how can i display this number into a lblTotal.text in VB.NET? plz help in code
  18. S

    close a form and open another one at same time?

    [solved]close a form and open another one at same time? I have 2 forms: Login and Registerwhen i click on register button on Login form, I use: Dim frmUserRegistration As New frmUserRegistration frmUserRegistration.Show() Me.Hide()When i close form Register, i want it...
  19. S

    multi-line MsgBox with some lines centred?

    [solved]multi-line MsgBox with some lines centred? I have a message: Your Name Is: ABCWhen the message shows, I want "Your Name Is" to be shown on first line, and "ABC" to be shown on second. I can do this by having " & vbNewLine &".However, I want "ABC" on the second line to be centered (align...
  20. S

    how to get a textbox.text from another form?

    [solved]how to get a value of textbox.text from another form? I have 2 forms, one is frmLogin, one is frmRetrievePW.on frmLogin, i have "txtUsername.text" which enables user to input a user name. When i click on a button, it frmRetrievePW opens up.while the frmRetrievePW opens, I want to pass...